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“No, but I know you like it when I bite you here.” His head dips down and his teeth grazes the space between my neck and shoulder. Warmth pools between my legs as he repeats the motion. “I know you like it when I put my tongue here.” Sawyer runs a hand up the skirt of my dress and rubs a finger over my clit through my cotton bottoms. I let out a whimper. I’m weak for him. Addicted to his touch. Addicted to as Tina put it his devil dick.

Chapter 10


Camreigh moans into my mouth. Her mind might be saying no, but her body is crying out for me. “You’ll never know unless you give it a shot,” I grit in her ear, grazing my teeth along the shell of her ear, continuing to rub her sweet spot. She’s soaked. She wants me. We both know it but if she wants to put up a fight, I’m up for the challenge. In the end I’m going to get what I want—her.

The front door opens, and she jerks from my hold, flushed and breathless. Vegas smirks at the scene. “The cake monster passed out after two bites of the damn thing. She is in her bed. I’m gonna give Tina a ride. You two don’t do anything…fuck who am I kidding you’re about to fuck right here.” He chuckles and pulls Tina through the door. She gives Camreigh a wave and they go to his bike.

Camreigh accepts my hand, and I lead her inside. She sits on the couch and waits while I check on my princess. Thea is sleeping peacefully with a chocolate ring around her mouth. I grab a baby wipe and clean her off the best I can without disturbing her. I place a kiss on her forehead and turn on the monitor before closing her door.

Back in the living room Camreigh smiles sheepishly at me as I approach where she sits perched on the edge of the couch ready to bolt. I take her hand. “Help me clean up and we can talk.”

“That sounds perfect.”

I leave her to clearing the table while I start loading the dishwasher, giving her time to think about what I said. I meant every word. I don’t want to go into this half-assed like I did with Marissa. I want to give my children a real home. One with a mother and father. Hell, I’m not dumb enough to call what we share love. I know it’s lust and could fade over time but I’m hoping the chemistry I feel with her grows into more.

“If we do this…we have to do it right and take things slow.”

I grin to myself and take the stack of plates from her. I place them in the dishwasher. “I can do slow. I want us to get to know each other. For you to spend time with Thea. Her mom isn’t going to be in the picture.”

“How come?”

“She has shit she needs work her way through. Bad habits. Stuff I don’t want Thea seeing or knowing.”

“Got it. I hope for Thea’s sake she can overcome her demons.”

“Me too.”

“Did you love her?” She touches my arm. I don’t sense any jealousy only curiosity.

“No. Never in the way that a man should love the mother of his child, but I care about her because she gave me Thea. I’m an asshole but not cold hearted. She wasn’t always like that or at least if she was, I was blind to it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? You didn’t have anything to with her choices.”

“I know that. I guess I’m sad for Thea. I never thought motherhood was a possibility for me. The doctor said I had a better chance of winning the lottery than ever having a child. I’m sorry that I told you it wasn’t possible and now here we are.”

“Hey. That shit falls on me as much as you. I could have wrapped it up, but I didn’t. I’m going to be here every step of the way. You can decide you don’t like me or want to give this a go, but I’m still going to do my part in this. I want you to know that.” I tilt her chin so that I can kiss her. I want her to know my words are true. I don’t go around saying shit I don’t mean. I give her a soft peck not wanting to push too hard just yet. I know I have a tendency to come on strong. “You still want that cake?”

“Okay. Yeah.” Camreigh wets her lips, and I tell her to have a seat. She gets comfortable in the living room, and I pour her a glass of milk and get her a slice of cake. I hand her the plate and put the drink on a coaster next to her on the end table. I grab wireless monitor and set it on the coffee table so I can keep a check in on Thea. She had a long day, but I know my girl. She’ll wake up in a few hours cranky as hell, but I’ll get her a lavender bath and she’ll go back to sleep after a storybook or two being read to her.

I watch Camreigh eat her cake and notice the way her hand gravitates to the bottom of her belly, curving to cradle the rounding shape that is starting to form. “You thought of any names yet?”

She brings a napkin to her mouth and wipes the icing away. “Cameron for a boy. And Truvy for a girl.”


“Yeah. That was my mother’s name. She passed away when I was thirteen. She had throat cancer.”

“Must have been rough.”

“It was but it all happened so fast. By the time she was diagnosed there wasn’t anything to be done. What about you? Any names you want to nominate?”

“I’ll get back to you on that.”

“You do that.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic