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“I’ve arranged for a home care service to come in when I’m home. And I’ll be doing plenty for myself. You and Allison won’t have to lift a finger to help me!”

“Daddy, listen to me. I have something else to tell you.” Brianna summoned her courage. “I have a boyfriend in Evanston. His name is Liam, and I love him.”

Brianna watched him deflate as if he’d been punctured. She’d dated boys in high school, but only as friends. She’d never given her father reason to believe she loved any of them. This was new. This was serious.

He sighed. “Well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. What’s he studying? Journalism, like you?”

“No.” Brianna braced herself for his reaction. “Liam isn’t a student. He works full time. He has a good job, repairing foreign automobiles.”

“He’s a mechanic?”

“Yes.” Brianna stood her ground. “He’s a very good mechanic. And you might as well know the rest. He’s twenty-three, and he drives a vintage Harley-Davidson. When we go out, he makes me wear his helmet, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Believe me, that’s the least of my worries,” Burke muttered. “Brianna, you’re nineteen! You’ve got your whole life ahead of you! I won’t allow you to throw it away on some greasy biker! Is he the one who started you drinking? Is this mess his fault?”

“No. Liam’s a recovering alcoholic. He doesn’t drink at all, and he wasn’t happy when he found out what I’d done. He’s a good man. He’s mature and responsible and kind. He even insisted that I tell you about him because he didn’t want to date me behind your back. You’d like him if you gave yourself half a chance.”

“How about no chance?” Burke’s fist tightened on the arm of the chair. “Your boyfriend sounds to me like a recipe for trouble. I can’t forbid you to see him, but if your legal problems keep you from going back to Evanston, that might be a blessing in disguise.”

“That’s not true!” Brianna battled mounting tears of frustration. “How can you judge Liam when you don’t even know him?”

“I know the type, sweetheart,” Burke said. “One day, when you’re happy, with the right kind of man, you’ll look back on this time and wonder what you were thinking. Trust me. I know.”

“Do you?” Brianna could have said more about her father’s own choice. But it didn’t seem right to criticize Allison, who’d done her best to be helpful these past two days. Instead, she said, “I love you, Dad,” and walked out of the room.

* * *

After leaving Brianna at the hospital, Allison drove to the talent agency. She hadn’t made a final decision to take Garrett up on his job offer, but she was leaning in that direction. With Burke still a long way from recovery, somebody needed to look out for his interests and keep an eye on Garrett.

The office-supply catalog, which had concealed the loan application, was still in her car. Returning it would give her an excuse for today’s visit.

With the catalog in hand and Burke’s keys in her purse, she walked in the front door, which was unlocked today. The receptionist, platinum blond with movie star makeup, was new. Allison introduced herself and asked for Garrett.

“Hang on, I’ll buzz him.” She pressed a button on the phone. “Garrett, Mrs. Caldwell is here to see you,” she said, then turned back to Allison. “Have a seat. He won’t be long.”

Allison sat down on a brown imitation leather loveseat. She leafed through a theater trade magazine, but her mind was on other things. Accepting a job here would be a waste of time unless she could find a way to help Burke.

She knew that Garrett had offered her the job for a reason—most likely to win her to his side and use her to influence Burke, or even work around him. But what if she pretended to go along with Garrett’s plans, or at least to be

open to them? Gaining his trust could give her access to vital secrets, and maybe even a measure of control over what was happening.

A few minutes later, Garrett came striding out of the hallway. “Allison! Does this visit mean you’ve decided to accept my offer?”

She managed a smile. “I’m still thinking about it, but I’d like to know more, if you’ve got time to talk. Oh—and I wanted to return this.” She thrust the catalog toward him.

“Oh, thanks. Would you put this away please, Monica?” He laid it on the receptionist’s desk, then turned back to Allison. “Did Burke find anything he liked?”

“Actually I gave up on the whole idea,” she said. “You know Burke. He prefers things just the way they are.”

“Yes, I know. That’s part of the problem.” He glanced down the hall. “Do you mind if we talk in Burke’s office? I’ve got things going on in mine.”

“You’re sure this is a good time?” Allison asked.

“For you, anytime is good.”

His hand brushed the small of her back as he ushered her down the hall. A chill passed through Allison’s body. This was her last chance to say no, she reminded herself. Otherwise, if she followed the plan she had in mind, she would be playing a dangerous game, with dangerous people.


Tags: Janet Dailey New Americana Romance