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Scarlet woke to the delicate aroma of a rose. The bed was still warm and cozy, though she knew she slept alone in it.

She opened her eyes and smiled at the red bloom resting on Michael’s pillow. He was still in the penthouse; she could hear him in the bathroom, talking on his cell while he shaved and moussed and did whatever the hell else he did to look so mind-bogglingly gorgeous.

A silvery haze continued to loom over the bay and wrap around the skyscrapers like a thick blanket. A light mist splattered itty-bitty droplets against the enormous windowpanes. The drizzle would eventually dissipate once the fog burned off.

Scarlet had always loved the moody morning weather. It was sultry and provocative with a personality all its own.

She spared a glance at the clock on the nightstand. Six a.m. Time to get a move-on and find new leads for her case.

Before she even had a chance to throw back the covers and gather up her boots, though, Michael emerged from the bathroom and swooped in, sitting on the edge of the mattress.

He said, “You’re either a light sleeper or an early riser by nature.”

“Both,” she told him. “My grandmother’s one of the crazies who think the crack of dawn is the absolute best part of the day. And she’s usually bustling about, brewing the world’s strongest coffee, so you have no choice but to wake up. She’s typically always on the phone or the computer, too. I could never help but eavesdrop. Her work captivates me.”

“Who, exactly, is your grandmother?”

“L.C. Seymour.”

He chuckled. “You’re shitting me.”


“All right then. That’s impressive. New York Times best-selling mystery author. Her books make blockbuster movies.”

“Yes. And her mind is more hyperactive than mine.”

“Who would have thought that possible?” He winked. Then kissed her.

Scarlet would have melted, except that she had a plan to stick to. She gently shoved Michael aside and leapt to her feet. “I have to go. You clearly have work to do and I’ve got mine as well.”

“Hey, hey.” He reached for her hand and pulled, forcing her to return to the bed. “Settle in. Checkout’s not until three. Order room service and enjoy the views over mimosas.”

“Oh, sure. So you can call me a slacker.”

He grinned. “You’ve sufficiently proven that is not the case. Now … I unfortunately have a flight to catch.”

“New York or one of your exotic locales?”

“New York. I have a board meeting to attend. Otherwise, I’d get naked with you again and share the mimosas afterward.”

Her fingertips grazed his silk tie. “Yes, it is a shame that you’re all buttoned up.”

“With a car waiting to take me to the airport.”

She softly kissed his lips and whispered against them, “Thanks for not completely shutting me out.”

“And what about the hot sex?”

“Makes me a fan of persistence, too.”

He laughed quietly. His hand cupped the side of her face and he kissed her, long and leisurely, despite his comment about having a car waiting for him. The kiss went on and on, heating her insides. Making her long for the naked scenario, darn it.

When he eventually dragged his mouth away, he said, “Gotta go. I’ll call you.” He kissed the tip of her nose, then slipped from the bed, grabbing his jacket from the suit rack in the corner before disappearing out the door.

Scarlet fell against the mound of pillows and let out a lusty sigh. The man was all kinds of sexy. And she was ridiculously turned on by him. With just a kiss. Well, a kiss and the reminder of everything he’d done to her the night before.

He wasn’t just an amazing lover; he also stirred emotions within her. Perhaps it was because of his strained family relations. Not to mention his mother’s death, which clearly weighed heavy in his heart. Scarlet could commiserate.

Tags: Calista Fox Lover's Triangle Erotic