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Lily explained, “I just immediately assumed you were the woman in the YouTube video with Rory—given the hair color and the fact that you’re here with him this morning … not fully clothed. But apparently you’re more than just Rory’s new flame. You’re the model Christian selected for the relaunch of the cooking show. I recognize your name from some messages that have come in from your agent.”

Bayli’s chin hitched. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am that Bayli Styles. It all happened rather quickly.”

“Indeed.” Lily shifted her weight from one six-inch stiletto to another.

Rory asked her, “What did you mean when you told Bayli it was good she’d had a stalker or two in her time?”

“Oh.” Lily seemed to come around from whatever thoughts she’d been momentarily lost in. Which Rory could easily deduce were centered around Bayli being half-naked in Christian’s apartment. Rory knew all about his friend’s occasional sleepovers with Lily. She said, “I guess neither of you has read the comments on the video. Some not so pleasant. But, hey, that’s showbiz. Haters are gonna hate, according to Taylor Swift, right?”

Rory draped an arm around Bayli’s shoulders out of instinct. A peculiar protectiveness? The need to comfort her? Though she really didn’t look fazed by Lily’s news.

Bayli said, “I’ve collected some crazies along the way. Nothing too worrisome. I changed my e-mail once, but other than that, I’m not exactly noteworthy enough to hate on. At least, not for any length of time.”

Rory said, “That’ll change, honey. But, so far, no one actually knows it’s Bayli associated with me, right?” He directed the question to Lily.

“That’d be my guess. I mean, of the comments I perused for PR purposes I didn’t see an actual mention of her name. And there isn’t a clear shot of her in that video. Like I said, I just put it all together because the pieces were laid out in front of me. But once the PR and marketing materials roll out, then sure, the dots will be connected by the masses. And, Rory, you really do have a huge following—”

“I’m heeding the warning,” he assured her. To Bayli, he said, “Definitely no more work in Central Park. The library’s safe enough, I’m sure. But we should invest in bodyguards for you.”

“Bodyguards!” She jumped out of his semi-embrace. “Rory St. James, I am not going to be shadowed by retired Secret Servicemen when all I’m doing is a cooking show. I’m not the celebrity—you are! Do you have bodyguards?”

“No,” he scoffed. “I’m not afraid of the women who follow me into the men’s room. And I know martial arts.”

“It’s not a bad idea, Miss Styles. Or may I call you Bayli?”

“Bayli’s fine,” she told Lily. “And … please, both of you. You’re suddenly making a big deal out of nothing. I haven’t even signed the contract, for God’s sake.” Her head whipped in Rory’s direction. “And don’t you dare mention any of this to Christian. Not a word, Rory. Don’t stress him out over nothing.”

Rory rubbed his jaw. He knew better than to keep anything from Christian. That was how they’d stayed such close friends over the past decade. But Rory also knew that Christian would pretty much come apart at the seams if there were already fans creating a backlash against Bayli—all because of that goddamn YouTube video.

It was Rory’s fault, and he knew it. He’d told himself it was a bad move to kiss her at the market. But he hadn’t been able to stop himself. Hadn’t regretted it, either. Until now.

Though … it was one video and so there were evidently some comments that might be a little snarky toward Bayli. Once the show launched and audiences and fans got sucked in with that contagious smile and rich, good-natured laugh of hers, the haters wouldn’t be hating anymore. They’d adore her. Totally fall for her the way Rory was.

Whoa. Wait.


Fall for her?

Rory’s brow furrowed.

He was falling for Bayli Styles? The woman he’d kicked outside his kitchen. The woman he wouldn’t hire as a hostess in his restaurant. The woman who loved to push his buttons and playfully mock him at every turn.

A woman unlike any he’d ever met before.

A woman Christian was equally smitten with, he had no doubt.

Bayli captivated them both. And it wasn’t a fleeting desire they each held for her.

Rory might not have been well versed in love and romance, but he wasn’t a total dolt. He recognized something significa

nt when it came his way. And last night when she’d asked if what they’d experienced with her was the norm for them, both he and Christian had been in agreement.

It was not.

Something to ponder. But not at the moment, because Rory needed to finish the omelets and Bayli had to get to the library.

So Rory told Lily, “Christian was on the phone last I heard. That means he’s in his study.”

Tags: Calista Fox Lover's Triangle Erotic