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“Everything okay over there?” he asked.

Her jaw worked as though she had something to say but couldn’t quite find her voice.

He said, “You did a hell of a job with the cigars tonight, sweetheart. Imagine all the research you’ll get to do on various locations around the globe? All the travel you can possibly dream of if this show takes off. And damn it, my gut tells me it will. You’ll be an international celebrity. Japan will love you even more than they already do.”

She let out a strangled laugh. “They’ve long since forgotten about me. That ad campaign was years ago. But everything you’re putting on the table, Christian…” Her grip on the bedcovers tightened. “Is it all real? Are you serious? And will Rory even consent? I mean to me? He’s—”

“Already thinking along the same lines.” Christian rested a hand on her bent knee peeking out from the duvet and said, “Yes, he told me you weren’t right for the in-house hostess job. I’m sorry about that, and I do stand behind him. Rory knows the intimate operational details of running a restaurant. I’m the corporate guy, the visionary, the location, location, location guy. So I won’t override his decision. But he was already trying to work through his mind how to get you involved with the show.”

A long breath fell from her luscious lips. “Why didn’t he just tell me that? Why keep me in suspense? Why make me feel so damn incompetent?” She flushed as she got a bit riled up over her botched interview with Rory.

“Hey.” Christian sat up. His fingers whisked over her cheek. “You didn’t seriously feel like that. Or you never would have approached me at the party. Not as boldly as you did.”

She gave a reluctant nod. “That’s true. Maybe incompetent isn’t the right word. I just felt so easily dismissed. And it probably wouldn’t have mattered so much to me if I didn’t really need the job. Or if he hadn’t looked at me the way he did. I could tell he had some sort of interest in me. I just wish he would have come right out and told me what it was.”

“He was in the middle of a very important lunch service, Bayli. Rory has trouble compartmentalizing.”

“Ah…” Now she nodded enthusiastically. “That I fully understand, because I do compartmentalize. And it can be very confusing to people who don’t understand silos. I put everything into buckets to keep all my thoughts neat and orderly. Rory likely sees the bigger picture all at once.”

“Don’t be offended that he didn’t call. He wanted to speak with me first. We’ve just had trouble connecting the past couple of days. I’ve been in meetings and negotiations, and he’s been holding down the fort.”

“I’m not trying to make this all about me, Christian. I’m just not used to screwing up so badly. Yes, I’ve had plenty of doors slammed in my face. I always try to do the best I can, though, and I just didn’t stand out with Rory.”

Christian’s lips swept over hers. “And I told you that you did. So don’t worry so much, hmm?”

He lay back down, bringing her with him, so they were snuggled up once more. Her cheek rested on his pecs and her hand splayed over his abs. Christian was still rock-hard, but he tried not to fantasize about Bayli’s palm sliding lower, under the sheet to his cock. He couldn’t help but will it, though. He was pulsa

ting with an insatiable need for her. Something far beyond what he was accustomed to feeling with a woman. This one easily held his attention, garnered his lasting interest. And he couldn’t help wondering if Rory would experience the same deep-seated need and craving for her that didn’t go away with one quick fix.

Breaking into his thoughts, Bayli said, “I’m a bit mind boggled over your business proposal. But how would you feel if I told you the orgasms you give me are even more earth-shattering?”

He smirked. “This platform could launch your career and make you an international star.”

“True. But let me tell you where you really launched me.…” Her hand grazed his lower abdomen to his groin. Teasingly skirting his erection. Her fingernails skated along his inner thigh; then one long finger stroked his balls.

Christian grunted. “It’s not exactly fair to get me all revved when we’ve already established there are no more condoms at our disposal.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t be a little wicked.…”

“So you’re just going to get me more worked up and then leave me high and dry?”

“Not dry,” she said suggestively. And licked her lips.

His pulse surged. “You’re going to suck my dick.”

“You inspire me to do all kinds of sexy things to this magnificent body of yours.”

“And I was grumbling about what, exactly?”

She laughed quietly. “I have no idea.”

Her hand drifted upward and her fingers encircled his shaft. Her palm glided to his tip, slid slowly back down to his root. She repeated the gesture and Christian’s eyelids dropped.

She squeezed him, then pumped.

“Fuck, yes,” he ground out.

Her warm lips swept over his chest. Her tongue swirled around one of his small nipples before she tenderly bit it, jolting him. All the while, she worked his cock, setting a sensual pace to jerk him off. Then she licked the palm of her free hand and rubbed it over the head of his erection as she continued to stroke him.

Tags: Calista Fox Lover's Triangle Erotic