Page 19 of Until Jake

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Shaking her head, because that was all moot, she gathered her thoughts and said, “Jake, I appreciate the flowers and the card. They’re very sweet. But I really…I just…I can’t do dinner tonight.”

“Okay,” he said, still grinning. Oblivious to what she was getting at—that she was about to put the kibosh on this budding romance? “No worries. Let’s shoot for tomorrow night. Or Wednesday. Whatever works best for you.”

Anxiety welled within her to compete with the increasing tension. Goddamn it, why’d he have to be so wonderful? It was really too bad she’d never get to meet his mother or his sisters, because Kate would like to personally thank them for having such a positive influence on him. For raising him to be such a gentleman. For helping him become a caring, thoughtful person.

He doesn’t deserve what I’m about to do…

And why was it that what she was about to do felt like a fate worse than death—worse than a date?

The thoughts popped into her head and she knew, in her heart and to the depths of her soul, she never should have treated Jake like some young, hot piece of ass.

But she had. And there was no way to make up for it except to be perfectly honest with him. Right now.

That was what he deserved. Honesty. And a valid explanation.

Hopefully, that would also help to assuage the guilt that was nearly choking her.

So instead of lying and dragging this out further by saying this week didn’t work for dinner, she said, “I don’t think we should see each other again.”

Jake chuckled. “Ah, the breakup song. I sensed that was coming when you were stomping your feet on the sidewalk. But, before you sing another note, let me just do this…” He hauled her up against him, wrapped his strong arms around her and kissed her.

Really kissed her. In the sizzling way only Jake could.

Kate was instantly swept away. Though she was vaguely aware of the whistles and applause coming from his workers.

Her body sealed with his, of its own accord. Her heart betrayed her too, because it yearned for Jake.

How on earth could she possibly give this up?

What kind of fool would let something this precious slip through her fingers?

Maggi had been spot-on. The good ones weren’t falling from the sky. Jake was a rare and special gem.

And he wanted her.


He wasn’t afraid to show it, to prove it. In front of God and everyone.

She tore her mouth from his as every fiber of her being latched onto that emotion she hadn’t allowed herself to feel in so very long.

He stared down at her as she tried to breathe properly.

In his low, intimate voice, Jake said, “Tell me why, Kate.”

That was another thing she adored about him. He was astute and didn’t play games. Didn’t beat around the bush. About anything.

Kate told him, “Broken heart. He was…an asshole.”

There. She’d finally said it out loud. Ken Stoddard was an asshole of the highest order. And he hadn’t deserved her.

A peculiar rush of relief from head to toe took Kate aback. Was that some sort of cleanse? That she’d finally accepted that she had deserved better than what she’d gotten?

And wasn’t Jake worthy of a hell of a lot better than her closing the door on them because of some prick who’d ripped the rug from underneath her? When maybe all along she’d actually seen it coming?

Ah…epiphanies. They struck at the damnedest times.

Tags: Calista Fox Erotic