Page 6 of Craving You

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“Chip didn’t tell you?” She sounded surprised.

“No. This all came about rather unexpectedly. I just landed around two a.m.”

“Oh, well.” She shot him a look and smiled. “In that case, I’m a graphic designer.”

In that case...?

“I studied design at UCLA,” she explained. “When I returned to the States after Paris, I lucked out with a fantastic office for an indie home base here on the lively, infamous Avenue of the Americas.” She spread

her arms as wide as possible without clobbering passersby, taking it all in. “How can you beat that?”


He found her easygoing temperament and entrepreneurial spirit engaging. And Christ, the mystery of those legs clawed at him in a desperate way that Tague was not at all familiar with, despite having been surrounded by attractive women his entire life.

The stockings alone fascinated him. Were they the ones with the lacy elastic tops holding them in place or were they secured with garters?

He suddenly burned to watch her roll the nylon down her sculpted thighs, exposing inch after inch of skin. And for the life of him, he couldn’t help but imagine what those long legs would feel like wrapped around his hips, squeezing him tight, as he sank into her.

Something told him L.L. was neither inhibited nor inexperienced in the bedroom and that was yet another impossible-to-deny stimulant where she was concerned.

He wouldn’t mind getting a better glimpse of her breasts, either. All those layers made it difficult to accurately gauge if she was a sound C-cup or pushing a D.

Whether she knew it or not, she teased him senseless with her suggestive hints of what she tactically concealed. And, contrary to what she believed, Tague didn’t give a rat’s ass if there were designer names attached to the labels. That was currently the last thing on his mind.

Breaking into his wayward thoughts, she asked, “So, what’s so great about Japan that you stayed there for two years?”

“You didn’t actually read that WSJ article, did you?” Tague toyed with her.

Giving him a saucy look, she said, “I only buy it for the pictures.”

“Clever answer.”

She laughed. “I always take a gander at the front page when I’m picking up Cosmo at the newsstand.”

“Sorry to hear I didn’t hold your attention.”

“Well, you’re doing wonderfully now...” Another dimpled smile kept the adrenaline flowing through his veins.

With her stealing glances at him and biting on the end of her straw as though she’d like to take a bite out of him, Tague was convinced the fiery attraction was mutual.

Interesting turn of events...

To answer her question, and clarify whatever Chip might have divulged about his work overseas, Tague told her, “I’ve traveled back to New York on several occasions, but a large corporation selected me to represent them on a billion-dollar case and it required my continued presence in Tokyo until it concluded.”

“Wow. You really are big-time.” Finally, she appeared impressed.

“I maintain a significant portfolio. Keeps the bosses happy.”

“But makes dating a challenge.”

“I’ve been willing to sacrifice.”


He strolled alongside her while she kept at her latte. And continued to slide sly peeks at him that made him gloat inwardly. He held his snicker in check, though.

A few minutes later, L.L. stopped in front of the recently renovated and newly named McGregor building and said, “So, this is me.” Her head jerked toward the entrance.

Tags: Calista Fox Erotic