Page 11 of Craving You

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She returned to her desk, pulled an envelope from the drawer and handed it over, needing to get her mind off Tague and Friday night. “Take a client you’re currently schmoozing or someone other than Shayla Tomlin who will actually appreciate the invite, not just sit there and sulk because you didn’t take her to An American in Paris on Broadway or Fenore or some other event or venue her chic friends are all raving about.”

“Hey, I’m willing to up the ante with the hostess at Fenore if she’ll get us in before the game,” he said. “Shayla will go nuts over the restaurant. Maybe I’ll finally get laid—and get to watch basketball. All in the same night, no less.” He looked sufficiently pleased. “Balance would be restored to my universe. Your universe, however, is pretty much screwed.”

She scowled. “Please stop saying that.”

“Just stating the obvious. You fear anyone turning your world upside down, L.L. Tague Mason is just the man to do it.”

Tague slipped into the conference room in the middle of a wrap-up of current firm events and the beginning of a brief on an intellectual property theft case in Germany that he was now consulting on. He crossed to the credenza in the back, loaded up a bagel with cream cheese and lox, poured orange juice and settled in his seat at the table.

He was already up to speed on the case, but tried to listen intently and keep thoughts of L.L. from his mind. It’d taken the entire walk to his office in the frosty air to get his raging hormones under control and lose the hard-on. Focus, instead, on his grandiose plans—and the obstacles he just might encounter upon his return.

Following the meeting, Chip traveled the corridors with him to Tague’s office.

“So, how’d things go at the coffee shop?” he eagerly asked as Tague closed the door behind them.


Chip scowled. “Interesting? That’s all you have to say? She’s quirky and spunky—I thought you’d get a kick out of her, seeing as how she’s the antithesis of the sort of woman your parents would prefer you date.”

“Which amuses me that you chose to introduce me to L.L. What about the image I’m supposedly in need of cultivating?”

“I talk a good game,” he confessed. “In the long run, though… I’m on your side, bro.”

“I appreciate that,” Tague told his friend. “And, as it happens… I am taking L.L. to the dinner. Thanks for your part in this. Now, let it drop. I have work to do.”

“About that…” Chip shoved his hands into the front pockets of his suit pants and said, “I realize it’s none of my business, but since you’re both friends of mine, I’m just wondering if you mentioned your return to Tokyo to her.”

“Why would I need to divulge those plans?”

“Well, if the two you really hit it off at the company party, then—”


“Then it doesn’t change a damn thing. This is one night, Chip. She’s already claimed to have her hands full with her career. We’re certainly of like minds in that respect.”

“She told you about her business?”

“Yes. Now… Anything else?”

Chip’s gaze narrowed on him. “Didn’t faze you at all?”


“Her job.”

“Why would it?”

Chip shrugged. “Granted, you’ve always been the black sheep of your family. But considering this bold move you’re trying to make at the firm, I just thought her career choice might give you pause. That was the only reason I almost didn’t introduce you two. Well, aside from your whole Japanese relocation strategy, of course.”

“I see why every woman you meet confides in you, Chip,” he sincerely said. “You have everyone’s best interest at heart. Rest assured, L.L. and I are totally on the up-and-up with each other—and there’s no need to delve into what our future endeavors might be. It’s just a dinner.”

“Sure, sure. I mean…maybe.” With a coy grin, Chip added, “You have to admit, there’s something about her. I couldn’t resist setting the two of you up.”

“I very much enjoyed meeting her. But I really don’t have time to discuss this further. I’ve got that presentation to make.” Tague gathered his notes and left the office, heading toward another conference room. Despite what he’d told Chip, thoughts of L.L. lingered no matter how hard he attempted to concentrate solely on what needed to be done to pull of his coup.

There was a certain mystique about the woman that silently affirmed Friday’s dinner party would be infinitely more entertaining with her on his arm.

But, again… Neither here nor there at present.

Tags: Calista Fox Erotic