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“Sure… These too. White pumpkins. They're really lovely! You could just toss the seeds anywhere and they'll find a way to bear fruit!”

I stare at her, smiling, and accept the envelopes gratefully. I'm not sure if she's giving me some kind of secret code, but I think that we definitely understand each other.

We hang out for a little while longer, just chatting about boring stuff about the weather and how soon winter is going to get here. The kitchen is so pleasant, I hardly want to leave, but I do still have work to do.

“You know, before you go, I was wondering if I could give you something else?” she asks kindly.

“Oh, Margie… I feel like you've done too much already!”

“Pish tosh,” she sighs, rolling her eyes. She stands up from the table and walks over to the cozy dining room, taking a embroidery hoop off the wall. Holding it out to me, she gives me a warm, motherly smile.

“I know you were admiring the other one like this,” she says. “I thought that wherever you end up, you can take this with you. Something to remember me by?”

I stare at the embroidery, tracing the outline of the golden retriever with the edge of my thumb. It's very similar to the one I sold just a little while ago, but even more special because it's been in Margie's home for a long time.

I flash forward to a time where this is one of the thousand things on my walls, part of my collection of mementos of the life that I'm going to make with my five beautiful farmers. Emotion floods me again and I realize I have to leave before I burst into tears in front of this nice, yet unsuspecting woman.

“Margie, it's perfect,” I breathe, fighting back the tears. “More perfect than you even know.”

22 - Charlie

“Charlie, I can do that myself,” she insists, tapping her foot impatiently.

“Not while I'm around,” I inform her. “As a matter of fact, not while any of us are around, princess. We don't want you doing anything to endanger our little bundle of joy, okay?”

“I'm not going to spend the next nine months just sitting around!” she sighs, clearly frustrated. Her hands rise and then fall against her beautiful thighs, jiggling them.

“You probably don't have nine months left anyway,” I say reasonably. “Just hang in there, and we will find out for sure. Today, right?”

Finally, she plunks down in a chair by the window, clearly sulking. Her lower lip juts out beautifully. I want to go over there and suck on it, but I'm afraid to get too excited. Apparently, going to the doctor means that I have to wait all day for my t

urn. Kinda stupid, if you ask me.

I guess there's going to be a lot of things we all have to adjust to.

“So, you just sit there, and I'll get all this done,” I say reasonably, turning back to the dresser.

I open the top drawer and scoop out an armful of her underthings. The scent of her fresh, neatly folded laundry almost overwhelms me and I find my hard on getting more urgent, threatening to rise up out of the top of my jeans.

But instead I just tuck her panties and bras into the box on the floor, shifting to stuff my erection somewhere less threatening.

“You don't have a lot of stuff,” I observe.

“No, never really had a chance to accumulate more than I need,” she smiles from her seat. “We've always been light travelers.”

“Well, that'll help when get everything moved to the new farmstead,” I nod, opening the next drawer. “Now, we just need to get you into the big house. Just a short trip across the orchard. Nothing too dramatic.”

“Yep,” she says curtly. I watch her fingertips drum against the arm of the chair.

As I pack up the items from her kitchen, I keep an eye on her out of the corner of my eye. She shifts in the chair frequently, but doesn't try to get up again. I can't tell if she's irritated or just antsy. I hope she's not mad at me, because I really do plan on sexing her up when the day is over. It's hard enough waiting for my turn on the calendar, and I don't want to miss it.

“Listen,” I say reasonably. “When I get these things in the truck, we will run them back to the house, and then head on over to the doctor’s office. It's a little early, but we can stop and get a coffee or something?”

“You mean it?” she gasps, leaping up immediately. “Yes! Let's do that!”

She shadows me nervously as I haul boxes to the back of the pickup truck, neatly stacking them until the cabin is pretty much emptied back out. I had planned on getting her all set up in the big house before the doctor’s appointment, but this change in the schedule seems to be for the best. At least now she is smiling at me again, looking excited, instead of glowering at me from her seat like she wants to yell at me or something. We've never had a fight, and I don't want to start today.

“All right, princess!” I call out when the last boxes are in the bed of the truck. “Hop on in and we can get going.”

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic