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We all look at her, then look at each other. Think about it? What's there to think about?

“Yeah, sure. Think it over,” Stan says, even though I don't want him to.

“Take all the time you need,” Charlie agrees.

I glance at Tom. Is he hearing this? He shoots me a look that says that he can't believe it either. Are they really willing to let her go?

“Okay, well, it's getting late,” I interrupt, holding out my hand. "Tom and I have a big night planned with Vanessa. Say goodnight, boys.”

Stan, Charlie, and Hank kiss Vanessa on her cheek as I pull her away by the hand, eager to get her out of the house. Tom trots up behind us as we cross the dark back yard, strolling through the orchard to her cabin.

She doesn't say anything, just walks slowly with her chin raised, looking at the big white moon overhead.

“Full moon tonight,” she remarks.

“You know what that means,” Tom chuckles.

“No, what does it mean?”

We climb the stairs up into her cabin and Tom shoots me a look, grinning widely.

“Seriously, what does it mean?”

“You'll see,” Tom says.

As soon as he crosses the threshold, he tugs her by the hands, leading her to the bed. With a squeal, she lets him bend her over as he pushes her skirt up over that big, lush, round ass, groaning as he buries his face between her cheeks.

“Tom! You beast!”

“Better just let him have what he wants,” I remark, slowly undressing at the foot of the bed. “He's been waiting for ages.”

“Just relax, baby,” he says, his voice muffled by those luscious buttocks. “You're gonna love this.”

Tom goes to town, making wet, sloppy trails up and down her ass crack, judiciously lubricating her with spit so he could start circling his tongue around her asshole. At first she seems dubious, but pretty soon she's backing up into him, pushing up on her toes to angle her tight little hole right at his tongue.

“That's it, Vanessa,” I encourage her. “Let him have it.”

Her fingers dig into the bedspread, and I fist my cock while I watch them and think about how juicy her pussy must be by now. I know how she likes it, how she likes to be pushed to the very edge and then maybe just a little bit further. She's so sweet and doll-like on the outside, but on the inside she's an absolute savage. When she's got both of our dicks in her, one in her mouth and one in her pussy, she looks rapturous. She looks like she's going to start speaking in tongues.

She's gonna love this.

“Get underneath her,” Tom tells me, lifting his head up briefly. He wipes the juices from his bottom lip and smiles, winking.

“Whatever you say,” I answer, flopping down on the mattress and picking up my sweet girl in one smooth motion. She gasps in surprise as I settle her back on top of me, sliding that dripping pussy over my belly as I push her down onto my fat cock.

“Oh, ohhhhh,” she groans, rolling her eyes back up in her head. “Oh my God, Tim, I missed you so much!”

“Yeah, baby I missed you too,” I manage to tell her even as the air is being choked out of me. I want to bust a nut so bad, but I want to wait for Tom too.

As soon as I'm in her, he slips a finger into her asshole. Her eyes fly open in alarm.

“Don't tighten up,” he chuckles. “Just let Tim's big dick loosen you up, baby. Yeah, like that. Let me in.”

I scoot down to the edge of the bed until my ass is practically hanging off, pushing up with my heels so that her ass is in the air. She grinds against me, obediently loosening up those muscles like she knows what's coming.

"Oh, yeah,” she grunts desperately. “Oh, yeah. Yeah.”

I feel pressure against the base of my cock when Tom starts to push in, slowly, millimeter by millimeter. He guides himself with his hand, letting a line of spit drip onto the head of his cock to keep her lubed up. I keep her distracted from the front, grinding my hips against hers to set her clit on fire.

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic