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Nash had never been the kind of guy who believed in love at first sight. Sure, he’d written songs about other people being in love, but he’d never met anyone who made him feel like he was falling. He’d never met a woman who, simply by telling him about her life, pierced him through the heart.

Not until Ashley.

His mother had also gotten pregnant at seventeen. But unlike Ashley, his mom had been anything but devoted to him. On the contrary, she had been downright dismissive, continuing to drink and party as if he didn’t exist, while blaming his existence for everything bad in her life.

How different would his life have been if he had been raised by someone as loving as Ashley? Would he have made better decisions earlier in his life? Would he have stayed out of those fights? Would he have walked away from drugs and booze sooner? Would he never have known the inside of a prison cell so intimately?

As Nash watched her pull out her phone to take pictures from the tour bus, he found himself wishing another fan would nearly recognize him. Because then he could get away with stealing another kiss from the one woman he wanted to kiss more than he’d ever wanted anything in his whole life.

“We’re here!” She hopped up, pulling on the cord to indicate that she wanted the bus to stop. “I am absolutely starving, so our timing is perfect.”

They got off the bus and headed into the huge outdoor food market. Walking down the central pathway, they passed restaurants, produce stores, meat counters, and fish sellers.

Ashley stopped at a vibrantly colored candy stall. “The dentist is always saying Kevin shouldn’t eat sour candy because it’s bad for his teeth, but I’ve never seen sour candies that look like these.” The tiny replica soccer balls and basketballs in big wicker baskets were actually sour candy confections. “Kevin would absolutely love these. So I’m going to break the rules for once and get them for him! I might even sneak some to eat myself.”

As the proprietor of the stand bagged and weighed the candies, Nash marveled at how buying and eating sour candy was her version of breaking the rules. She’d be shocked if she knew how many actual rules he’d broken in his life…

After tucking the candy in her purse, she said, “All of the restaurants we’ve passed look great, but instead of eating at one of the Italian or Japanese places, what do you think about eating something traditionally Viennese?”

“Works for me.” The day they were sharing was already unlike any other he’d experienced, so it made sense that the food they ate would be new to him too.

As luck would have it, there was a Viennese restaurant a hundred yards ahead. They were quickly seated outside under an awning and given two menus.

“I’m so hungry I could eat everything on the menu,” Ashley said.

“I wonder what Tafelspitz, Gulaschsuppe, and Erdäpfelsalat taste like?” he asked.

“Only one way to find out,” Ashley said. A few seconds later, she launched into a spirited conversation with the waiter about his favorite Viennese meals.

As she smiled her sparkling smile for the waiter, Nash grew increasingly jealous. Though he knew he was being ridiculous, he wanted her smiles and the light flush in her cheeks to be only for him.

“If the two of you don’t mind sharing,” the waiter finally said, “why don’t you get all three dishes? I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

Nash couldn’t remember the last time he’d shared food with anyone. Sure, he went out to eat with his band and people from his record label, but no one ever dared to eat off his plate. That was something you did with family or a girlfriend.

Which, he mused, must be why it felt so right with Ashley. In a matter of hours, she felt almost like his girlfriend. Even though they’d done nothing more than hold hands and share one perfect stolen kiss.

“Good idea,” he said. “Let’s get it all.”

“I’m also going to have a Gespritzter,” Ashley said, pointing to a wine spritzer–style drink on the menu. “Do you want one, Nash?”

“No, thanks. I don’t drink.” He hadn’t touched alcohol or drugs in more than a decade. Not since he’d realized they turned him into someone he didn’t like to be around. Someone like his mother.

Ashley excused herself to go the bathroom, and when she returned, her drink, his water, and their appetizer had been delivered. He lifted his glass to her in a toast. “To a great day together in Vienna with my snuggle wuggle.”

She laughed as she clinked her glass against his. “Here’s to my honey bunny.” But then she frowned. “Although if you’re dating anyone or are married, please let her know I’m not trying to horn in on her territory.”

Tags: Bella Andre Romance