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“You’re so damn gorgeous, baby.” He trailed his finger down the spaghetti strap on my right shoulder. “But you didn’t need to bother with this negligee when I’m just going to rip it from your body.”

I pressed my breast into his palm when his hand drifted lower to cup the rounded globe. “I beg to differ.”

“Oh, you’re going to beg all right.” He dipped his head to trail kisses along my jawline. His breath was hot in my ear as he whispered, “Over and over again while I eat your perfect pussy. I’ve been thinking about getting you under me ever since you taunted me with your tight little body before we trained earlier.”

I was so turned on, the white lace panties I’d paired with my nightie were already drenched, but I couldn’t let my need for Braeden distract me from what I had planned. “As amazing as that sounds, I had something else in mind for tonight.”

His hand drifted down to cup my pussy. “You must have big plans if you’re turning down the orgasms I’m offering.”

I used my magic to scatter lit candles around the room and change the sheets on the bed to a set made from a deep red silk. Once the scene was properly set, I twined my arms around Braeden’s neck and murmured, “The biggest.”

“That sounds promising.” He gripped my butt cheeks and pressed me against his hard length. “Coincidentally, I already have something big for you.”

“Think bigger,” I chuckled as I tilted my head to the side, giving him better access to my neck. “Today made me see that I don’t need to wait until my dream of becoming a badass vampire slayer comes true. Finding your consort is so difficult for too many of our kind, and the bond is too precious to be put off. I want you to claim me. Right now.”

“Baby, no.” His fingers dug into my hips as he set me away from him, but I didn’t care if he left bruises behind. Not when I knew how much it must be costing him not to take my offer and sink his fangs into my neck to claim me. “That’s not why I brought you with me. The last thing I wanted to do was pressure you into a commitment you aren’t ready for. Today was about sharing something special with you.”

“I know.” I went up on my toes to brush my lips against his. “That’s a big part of why I’m ready. We’ve been together for such a short time, but you’ve already shown me in so many ways that I can trust you with my dreams. Even though it wasn’t what you wanted, you didn’t hesitate to agree to wait for the claiming. When my parents asked questions about why we hadn’t claimed each other yet, you put your foot down instead of letting them pressure me. After a little persuasion, you didn’t hold back during our training session and really paid attention to what I can do. Then you topped all that off by taking me to an incredible meeting with all those potential consorts and shared a council secret with me. I have no doubt that my future is safe in your hands, Braeden.”

His bright blue orbs were serious as he scanned my face for any sign that I wasn’t one-hundred-percent certain about my decision. “Are you sure, my love?”

My love.

Upon hearing those two sweet little words again, butterflies swirled in my belly. It was amazing how I hadn’t been prepared to tell him how I felt when I’d almost slipped up only hours ago, but now I had no fear over giving voice to the depth of my emotions. “I love you, and I’m beyond ready to be claimed by you.”

His expression turned to one of pure joy. “I know it hasn’t even been two full days, but I feel as though I’ve waited forever to hear those words from you.”

His reaction was everything I could’ve hoped for...with one small exception. “I’m still waiting.”

“My new pet name for you wasn’t enough?” he teased, tugging me against his chest.

I shook my head. “Nope.”

“I’m madly, passionately, deeply in love with you, Callie.” Capturing my mouth, he swept his tongue inside to tangle with mine as he guided me over to the bed. My eyes drifted shut as I lost myself in his kiss, only opening again when my back hit the mattress. “And I’m going to spend eternity loving you.”

My heart swelled with emotion at his declaration. Stretching up, I brushed my lips over the crook of his neck. My teeth ached as the scent of his blood filled my nostrils. “I can’t wait to sink my fangs right here and finally taste you.”

His body shuddered, and he groaned, “Fuck, yes. I bet yours will taste even sweeter because I’ll be making you mine.”

Tags: Fiona Davenport Fantasy