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“None of your business.”

I drew in a breath, forcing my lungs to open again. I wanted to turn and make a break for the sidewalk and run as fast as I could until I got home and could barricade myself inside. I had no idea who the hulking man in front of me was. I’d never seen him in the shop before, but there was a menacing glare in his dark eyes and unless someone else was working late, I was all alone.

“Where’s the other girl?” he repeated, more forcefully.

“You have no business with my sister. I don’t know who you are but if you don’t leave, I’m going to call the cops.”

“Oh really?” His lips pulled back in a cold smile and my heart sputtered and then sank to my feet.

At my sides, my hands fisted into tight balls. Ready to strike if needed. The man had a good six inches on me and probably eighty pounds but I needed to be ready in case I couldn’t outrun him. “Yes. You’re trespassing to start with.”

He laughed. “You’re feisty. I like that.”

Something told me that was a very, very bad thing.

He took a step toward me and I took a matching step back, only to find my shoulders pinned up against the brick wall. “I was hoping for the other one…your sister, you said…but you might be a lot of fun too. Come here, baby. Let’s have some fun.”

“Fuck off,” I spat. “One more step and I’m going to scream.”

At my threat, he lunged. I screamed but even as it tore from my throat, I prayed someone would still be around to hear me.

The man grabbed my wrist and tugged me toward him as though I were a rag doll. I reared back my other hand, snatching it out of his grip. He was big, but he was also slower than I was. He made another grab and I cocked my fist and rammed it into his gut. He grunted at the impact of my knuckles against his fleshy side, but instead of releasing me, his grip on my wrist only locked on tighter.

“Get off of me!” I growled, spitting with rage. “Someone help me! Ra—”

He clamped a hand over my mouth and shoved me hard against the wall. My head hit the brick and stars swam before my eyes. That moment was all it took for him to get a hold on my other wrist. I screamed again and he shifted both wrists to one hand and forced my arms above me head so he could cover my mouth once again. Muffling my next attempt to scream for help. I kicked at him and tried to wrench away, but he had me powerless.

“Listen, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. But I promise if you keep fighting, I’m not going to take it easy on you…” he growled, his face mere fractions of an inch away from mine. The smell of cheap beer and cigarette smoke poured from his mouth, making me gag.

“Mother fucker, get off of her!”

My eyes went wide at the sound of Nick’s voice. His footsteps thundered onto the path and the attacker froze at the sound. He dropped his grip on my mouth.

“Nick!” I screamed.

At my call, the man turned to follow my frantic gaze and hesitated just long enough for me to strike. I ripped my wrist free of his grip and connected an uppercut to his side. The blow landed and he doubled over, a moan mixing with a surprised gasp. I didn’t wait for him to recover before sending a right hook for his temple.

Nick got there as he was reeling from the second shot and took over. He pulled him off of me by the back of his jacket, whirled him around, and punched him in the face. A sickening crack broke the tense air and blood spurt from the man’s nose.

“Carly, go inside. Call the cops!”

I lunged for the back door. I fumbled in my purse for my keys and then threw myself inside the kitchen. I dug my phone out next and with shaking hands dialed 911. I worked through the details with the operator as waves of nausea rolled over me. Once she assured me that officers were on the way, she directed me to stay on the line. I cradled the phone against my shoulder and went back out into the alley.

Nick had the man on the ground, his arms pinned behind his back. From the grunts and moaning of the guy on the ground, I wondered if he was only partially conscious.


Without looking back at me, he replied, “Go back inside, Carly.”

“Fuckin’ bitch,” the man on the ground growled.

Nick slammed his face back down against the concrete.

My heart was slamming against my ribs as both my adrenaline crashed and relief flooded me. I couldn’t believe Nick had shown up to help when he did. I tried to put together words and say something, but before I could get anything out, the wailing sound of sirens cut through the night. Nick muttered something at the man on the ground, still keeping his arms locked behind his back as he crouched over his squirming body.

Tags: K.B. Winters Holiday Cove Romance