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I look at the floor to save myself from looking at him. He is going to destroy me, this king. I am the one scrap of revenge still open to him, and I know he is vicious enough to take the bait even if it is pathetic.

“Your flesh has been wrapped around my cock, human. Do you know why?”

“Because you wanted it to be?” I am not sure what kind of answer he wants, but I feel strongly that I should not appear to ignore the king by not answering his question.

“You deserved a beating, but the image of a king beating a broken human would not impress the korabi. It would be best to simply dispatch you.”

He threatens to kill me as casually as somebody musing about taking the garbage out.

I stay silent. I might be dead in a moment or two, and if I am, having spoken will not have changed anything.

“Do you not care, human?”

“My life is in your hands, sire.”

“Yes, it is.”

“You could crush me like a bug beneath your mighty feet.”

“Indeed, I could. But I want something from you first…”

I look up, surprised. Has he not had from me what almost every male is said to want from a female?

“You, my intelligence suggests, have been at the heart of every escape, every rebellion, every humiliation the korabi have suffered at human hands.”

“Is it possible for the glorious korabi to suffer at human hands? Ours are so weak, and yours are so…”

He grabs me up from the floor and presses one of those ever-so-sharp finger claws against my throat, where it could do an infinite amount of damage if it were to flick even a fraction of an inch either way. I have to look at him now. I have to stare into those silver royal eyes, and I have to face my end.

“Do not patronize me, human,” he growls softly. “I am not stupid.”

“Of course not, sire.”

“Your tone remains patronizing.”

“I can’t help it.” The words come in a whimper.

“Tell me how you hid from our systems.”

“Well… they’re not very good.”

He growls and I whimper again, shrinking away from his furious majesty. He is holding me awkwardly, without regard for my comfort.

“Not very good? That is how you dare describe the majesty of the korabi empire?”

“In this instance, yes, sire. You asked me how I did what I did.”

“I want specifics, human. Not insults.” He drops me on the floor at his feet. “Start talking.”

“The drones are easily monitored. They follow regular patterns, surveilling the same places and the same things every time. Your system relies heavily on them. If you can see what the drones see, you can avoid them easily. I made augs with a filter that detects the beam of infrared used by the drones. So we could all always see what you were seeing.”

“You made augs. With no access to our materials or our specific designs?”

“The design was fairly easy. All we needed were some colored filters, really. That was enough to see the infrared. But we were always finding discarded korabi tech. I’d take it apart and use it. I put a lot of things together. We weren’t trying to hurt anybody. We were just trying to survive.”

* * *


I ravaged her.

I felt her soft flesh melt around me like butter. I filled her with my seed, and watched it drip out of her tender human lips, so pink and swollen with the ministrations of my cock.

No matter how much I might try to focus on the important matters of state at hand, the very security of our royal house, I cannot stop the throbbing memory from causing my cock to rise once more to the occasion.

What is it about this human? Why does she draw me so inexorably toward her? I usually abhor weakness, and there is nothing more weak than a human, especially one missing an appendage. But that might be it, the reason itself. In spite of her wounds, she is in no way weak. She is strong. She met my rough desire with pleasure of her own. She refused to be broken by a royal ravaging. If anything, she delighted in it. I must be careful with this little human waif. She might break me if I am not careful.

Before I saw her for myself, I had intended to have her publicly executed. Her appearance made that feel pointless. She is so small, so thin. Her missing leg makes her look more pathetic than anybody watching her execution might be able to bear. Her single eye is equally disarming. She is cute, in the way any broken animal is automatically made more appealing by merit of its deficiencies.

She says she was just trying to survive, but it was her little band of humans who killed a king. She no doubt had a hand in that. She is a conspirator in my father’s death. She deserves pain and death the same as all the escaped humans do.

Tags: Loki Renard Alien Overlords Science Fiction