Page 57 of Childstar 1

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“Why did you think it was Austin?” I asked, patting down the pillow.

“He’s a mama’s boy,” he stated matter-of-factly, and I smacked his shoulder. “Ha—what? He is. There is nothing wrong with it. How was work?”

“I hate my co-star, but other than that, it was fine. How was home?”

“I think we hit a breakthrough with Aurora. Thank God,” he sighed, relaxing against the headboard. “Today it felt like I was breaking her heart when I kept saying no.”

Sitting up, I threw my leg over his lap, his hands going to my waist, holding me in place. “I know, but we have to.”

Leaning forward, our lips met, and after all these years, it was still as passionate and lustful as ever. My hands were in his hair as our tongues brushed against each other and he undid my bra.

Between kisses, he said, “If we never do anything else right, at least we can say we never let them become child stars.”

I couldn’t agree more.

-The End-

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Tags: J.J. McAvoy Childstar Romance