Page 56 of Childstar 1

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Laughing, I couldn’t imagine my life without these two.

“Aurora,” Austin said seriously, looking over to her again. “When Mom comes back, say you’re sorry.”


“You said you hated her. Say you’re sorry,” he demanded.

That’s my boy, I thought proudly, messing up his hair, much to his annoyance.


It was 1 a.m. when I got back in. Taking off my shoes, I tip-toed up the stairs, first going to Austin’s room. He laid on the edge of his bed, his headphones around his neck, damn near ready to choke him and give me a heart attack. Putting my shoes down, I gently lifted his head, unwrapping the thing and putting it on his bedside table.

“Sleep tight, Little Bear,” I whispered, kissing his forehead.

Grabbing my heels, I moved back to the door when he said, “Sleep tight, Mama Bear.”

Grinning, I closed the door behind me, heading to Aurora’s room. Even though I knew she was sleeping, I had to mentally prepare myself. She scared me. She scared me because she was so strong-willed that I was worried she’d do something like run off to get cast by herself.

Her room was pink, just like mine was, and she slept with the covers kicked off, just like Noah. I pulled the sheet up, tucking her legs back in and kissing her forehead.

“I love you,” I said before getting back up again. Just like Austin, she rolled over, opening her eyes—the same blue-green eyes as her father—and whispered, “I’m sorry, Mommy.”


“I don’t hate you. I’m sorry I was mad. I love you.”

Walking back to her, I sat down on the bed. “I know, and I love you more. I know it’s confusing, but it’s the truth, and that’s why you can’t act yet.”

“Did you really used to cry when you were on set?”

Noah. “Yeah. I did. It was really hard. A lot of people don’t know that.”

“Daddy says when I’m a grownup, he’ll cheer me on.”

I grinned. “I will, too. In fact, you’re going to be so sick of us, you’re not going to want us to come to your premieres.”

She yawned.

“Why are both you and your brother still up? It’s late.”

She giggled. “Daddy let us watch movies with him, and he forgot what time was us. He heard Uncle Daniel drive up and told us to rush to bed.”

“Go to bed, okay?” I giggled with her, tucking her in more.

“Okay. Night,” she said, rolling over.

Leaving the door open just a crack, I walked into the bedroom where Noah sat up, reading a script. He glanced at me, and I stared.

He tried not to smile. “Which one of them sold me out?”


“Dang it. And I thought it would be Austin,” he said, putting the script beside him.

Closing the door, I took off my jeans and his shirt, throwing them into the corner. He lifted the sheets for me to crawl inside.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Childstar Romance