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“This is amazing,” I said, laughing and going farther inside the greenhouse, stretching out my arms and spinning. Moving toward the window, I pressed my hands against the glass, the raindrop sliding down between my fingers on the opposite side.

“Theo, really, this is beautiful.” I turned back, and his eyes were fixed solely on me as he leaned against one of the beds of roses. “What?”

“I was just thinking how beautiful you are when you smile and how much I enjoy having you here.”

“It feels like you’re the only person who gives me things to smile about anymore,” I said, stepping in front of him.

He cupped my face. “The feeling is mutual.”

Each time he had been the one to kiss me, so I kissed him. His hands slid my down face, to my waist, then into the back pockets of my jeans. I undid the top of his shirt.

“You said you didn’t want to do anything,” he said.

“I lied.” I undid my shirt, allowing it slip off my shoulders to the floor before taking off my bra, followed by my jeans and underwear until I was standing in front of him completely naked. I shrugged a little awkwardly. “This is me, scars and all.”

His gaze traveled up all of me, and he pushed up off the rose bed, resting his hands on my hips. Gently, he pushed me up against the glass. I shivered at it on my skin. His lips hovered over mine. I finished unbuttoning his shirt.

“I’m not just going to fuck you and let you run away from me again,” he whispered, kissing up my neck to my ear.

“I think I love you—” His lips were on mine before I could finish, his tongue in my mouth, my arms wrapping around his neck.

He wasn’t rough. He didn’t try to control me. He wanted to feel me as much as I wanted to feel him.

I guess that’s why it was called making love.

2:13 a.m.

“You really need to sleep.” He kissed the back of my hand as we lay in the middle of the master bed.

Lying on his chest, I listened to his heartbeat, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took.

“What if I fail? What if I fall and embarrass myself, or worse, you?”

“You won’t.”

I sat up. “But what if I do?”

“You won’t,” he replied, and I wanted to smack him. “And if you do, then guess what? It’s only a moment before something else takes over the spotlight. This is Hollywood. You get fifteen minutes of fame or shame and then people move on.”

Frowning, I put my head down. “That doesn’t make me feel better. Urgh, this is going to be bad—”

“Felicity, I’ve seen you. You’re amazing. I know it, the team knows it, and at the end of the night, everyone will know it too.”

“How can you be so calm? It’s a huge night for you too.”

“It’s the sex.” He grinned.

“It was that good, wasn’t it.” I grinned too before laughing. “Let’s say everything goes off with out a hitch tonight. What happens next?”

He pretended to think before grabbing my ass.


“What happens next? Well, sex is always on the list.”

Rolling my eyes, I moved his hand from my ass to my waist. “Fine. After the sex, what’s going to happen with us?”

“Oh, there is an us now.” He grinned. I tried to spin out of his arms, but he rolled on top of me, holding my arms down beside my head. “After you take everyone’s breath away, and then after I make you scream my name at least a good dozen times, then we do whatever the hell we want to. You want to keep dancing with us, you can. It’s up to you. I’ll date you for a few more weeks before getting you to move in with me and then maybe in a year—you’re panicking.”

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance