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She gasped as her hands began to tremble.

I moved a hand to her ass.

“Theo, I….”


My hand was just as red as her ass, and I didn’t give a damn.


“Yes… Ah!”

I chuckled. “I think you can get louder than that.”


She was moaning without reservation, pinching her breasts. Her face showed she was in total pleasure.


“Theo… please!” she begged.

Reaching into my pants, I gripped myself, admiring how hard I was at the sight of her, so wet, so ready for me, begging for me. “Say it.”

“I’m yours.”

She didn’t mean that fully yet, but I would take it. Taking a condom from my pocket, I tore it open with my teeth and slid it down my length.

There were so many ways I wanted to take her right now, but I wanted to see her face. Flipping her around to face me, I pulled out the vibrator and held her legs open for me. Gripping her waist, I buried myself in her dripping wet pussy.

“Oh God….” Her legs wrapped around me. She arched her back, still clasping on to the desk behind her.

I held her so high off the ground it was almost like she was lying in midair, each thrust into her jolting us both.

She grinned and her eyes closed. Neither of us spoke. I doubted I could have heard her over my racing heart anyway.

“Faster!” she called, and faster I went. She was tight around my cock, like she was pulling me deeper into her.

“THEO!” She screamed so loudly, I was sure for a second someone had heard her.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I held on to her firmly, grunting like some animal before I, too, came.

“Fuck, Felicity,” I gasped.

Fuck Felicity. I’d planned on doing this over and over and over again. It was my new motto for life.


Meet Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp


5:12 p.m.

I clenched the arm of my chair as we hit yet another pocket of turbulence. He had warned me sitting would be uncomfortable, and he’d followed through on that. My ass stung badly, but I didn’t want to let it show.

“Are you all right?”

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance