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Fortunately for me, this was only the start.


Stepping out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, I dried my hair. I’d expected to see her in my bed, but she was gone. Her clothes were still on the dresser, though. Stepping out into the living room, I saw her from a distance, sitting outside next to my pool, dressed in nothing but my black shirt. Without realizing it, I was walking downstairs and outside toward her. There was something about her I just gravitated to. Everything about her was beautiful, from her long, honey-brown hair to the curve of her hips and breasts, which filled my hands perfectly. But I had met hundreds of women, all of them beautiful, whether it was natural or manmade. I was still stunned by her.

My cell rang. Pulled out of a trance, I grabbed it off the coffee table and sat on the same couch we’d just fucked on. The sheet she’d worn when she first came out was still on the floor. I had a perfect view of the city from this couch, yet I watched her instead.

“Theo. Theo?”

“What?” I snapped.

“What happened? We were supposed to go over set design for the gala with everyone,” Walter said on the phone. I heard a quick “hi” in the background from Tori before he went on. “This is it. We’ve gone through four designs already. If you don’t like this one, I swear—”

I took the phone off my ear and scrolled through my email to see it. “It’s fine, Walt.”

He coughed. “What?”

“I said it’s fine. Did you need anything else?”

“Yeah, can I talk to my brother, please? Whoever this easygoing guy is, he’s an alien to me.”

“I’m hanging up.”

“Wait!” he yelled, and I flinched.


“The chick you were with—”

“She’s a woman, not a baby chicken.”

“Yep, you’re back,” he muttered. “Fine, the woman you were with today? Who is she? Seriously. She was… she was amazing.”

“In more ways than one,” I said, more to myself than him, as I watched her lie on the ground and kick one leg over the other.

It really was the best view in the city.

“You don’t mean…. Bullshit, you aren’t dating her.”

“I doubt the verb for what we are doing is dating.” Fucking, screwing, losing ourselves in each other, yes. But dating, no. I didn’t date.

“As long as you’ve gotten over—”

“Walter.” I cut him off before he could go there. “If there isn’t anything else—”

“Just wanted to remind you Mom is hosting a dinner at the end of the week. She wants all of us there. I think she found out what Arty did.”

Just thinking about him pissed me off.

Then again... I glanced to Felicity again. If Arty hadn’t thrown that party at my house, I would’ve never met her.

“You know, he’s had a rough couple of months. You’ve got to forgive, Theo. He’s family.”

“Give me more two days.” I hung up.

I meant to go out to her, but she came inside and leaned against the glass frame of the door. I couldn’t help but stare up her smooth legs to where the hem of my shirt hung, and for the first time in my life, I wished I were shorter so it wouldn’t be so big on her.

“You still haven’t had enough?” She smiled at me when I finally looked at her face.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance