Page 122 of Sugar Baby Beautiful

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Theo and his family weren’t on speaking terms. He couldn’t bring himself to tell them the truth about Arty or lie by being around them and keeping silent. Nor could he handle how disapproving they still were of me. It was easier to just keep his distance. On top of which, Arty had left to only God knows where. I knew it took everything Theo had for him not to hunt him down. He was trying to give him space. His father, Charles, on the other hand, was in the hospital. Theo never said a word to me about it. However, I knew from his bloody knuckles not to bother asking. He could keep the secret from Lorelai and Arthur for now… at least until Arty could talk about it. But he wouldn’t let Charles go.

The only people we saw often were Walt and Tori, who would be welcoming their first child next spring, along with Rosemary and Chief Petty Officer Lucas Jackson.

I had texted my father the news, and he called me right way. He even flew to California to see me, but I wasn’t ready, and Theo was more than happy to let him know. While we were in the darkest part of our lives, no one else had been there for us, and now everyone wanted to come back. It actually made it worse, like they were saying they truly could not love me if I had schizophrenia.

“Felicity, what are you doing out here?” Theo came out, walking toward me, the group of men behind him heading back toward their offices. He shifted his gaze to his secretary, who quickly picked up the phone.

“Don’t blame her. I asked her to let me wait because I came here on business.”

His eyebrow rose. “Business?”

I lifted the folder I’d brought. “Do you think you can pencil me in?”

He glanced at his watch. “I guess….”

“I know you have nothing else, you—” I bit my tongue. The last time I’d called him an ass at work, everyone’s heads turned, and I’m sure someone even gasped.

Knowing what I was thinking, he made room for me to step by. “Lead the way.”

I felt his eyes on my ass, so why not give him a show? I walked confidently with my head high until I reached his office. He closed the door and seized my waist, pressing into me with his hard-on.

“Do you treat all your visitors like this?”

“Just you.” He kissed the back of my head and let me go, going behind his brown desk. Unbuttoning his jacket, he sat down, leaning back in the seat. “What can I do for you, Mrs. Darcy?”

“It’s still Ms. Harper for another two weeks—”

“Minor details.” He smirked. “Aren’t you going to get on with it?”

Rolling my eyes, I opened the folder. I put the paper down on his desk. “I would like to pitch a movie idea to you.”

“The Human Condition?” he read aloud. “A love story about a young couple and how their lives drastically change when one of them is diagnosed with a mental illness. I get what this story means you, to us, but it’s been done before.”

“Yeah, but not often through the eyes of the person with the illness. Readers, movie watchers, we all trust the narrator to set the story. But I think we have someone who seems totally normal tell the story. It might give better insight to those looking at mental illness from an outside perspective. I didn’t have schizophrenia, but I did live as someone who did and was treated that way. At Crossroads, I met a few very good people. I want a story for them.”

He stared at me. “It’s going to need a sexier edge to it and maybe a hotter title.”

“Like the couple meeting at a sugar baby party?” I chuckled, and so did he. His green eyes seemed to shine.

“Sure. What about the title? Calling it Sugar Daddy might send the wrong message.”

“How about Sugar Baby Beautiful?” I replied.

He looked confused. “What does that mean?”

“I’d like to think it means the kind of beauty even the richest people can’t buy.”


Dear Reader,

I truly hope that you enjoyed reading Sugar Baby Beautiful as much as I enjoyed writing it. This story means a lot to me. The issues brought up here are inspired by situations within my life and the lives of some of my closest friends. So remember that we are all flawed, but that does not mean we don't deserve love.

There is so much I want to say to you all, but the most important is thank you. Thank you for all of the love and support you've given me on social media. I know there are even a few of you that I talk to regularly on Facebook who always push me to keep writing. I know my books haven’t been 100% spotless when it comes to spelling and grammar issues, but we employed a new team of proofreaders for this book. Thanks for sticking with me. Having fans like you really does inspire me to keep writing!

Stay Ruthless,


Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance