Page 112 of Malachi and I

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“Malachi? It’s Officer Richards. David. We know you’re just looking out for her but we’ve got a job to do, man—”

“Why is everyone acting as if this man is sane? He’s obviously not okay and he has my daughter in there!” The screeching began.

“Ma’am, with all due respect he is the one who jumped into a frozen lake to save your daughter!” David snapped ironically, not sounding even a little bit respectful.

“You all are—just open the door!” Diana hollered at them.

“The doors open inwards, and he’s barricaded—”

“Break it open!”

“Excuse me, this is a hospital! We can’t have people breaking down doors!” Dr. Neecey yelled back.

“Open it or we’ll find someone who can,” the snake finally spoke up. “Officer Richards, we called because Mr. Lord is currently breaking the law. Yet all of you are standing here defending him. If anything happens to Esther, I’ll make sure to sue you all to kingdom come.”

“You keep throwing your weight around as though you’re the only one with a law degree, Mr. Pembroke,” Maya, no longer quiet or shy, retorted.

“I am the only one following the law!”

They went on like this while I simply turned to Esther and brushed the curls off her face. I kissed her forehead and then her lips. It was the only thing I could think to do.


My head turned to the door as one of the chairs on top of the couch fell down from the force in which they pounded against the doors. They were really putting their bodies into it. Taking a deep breath, I faced her again and placed my forehead on hers. Taking her hands, I held them between us.



“If you’re going…then go…”


“…you know I’ll follow.”


“But if you’re here… Baby, if you’re here, if you want this life to be our last…”


“Then I need you to wake up. Come back to me.”

Just as the doors opened wide enough for them to get through I felt her hand squeeze mine.


“Get him away from her!”

“ESTHER!” Before I could feel her squeeze again they pulled me away from her and Dr. Neecey ran to Esther’s side and turned back on the machines. “NO! SHE’S WAKING UP! SHE’S WAKING UP! ESTHER!”

“I want him out!” Diana yelled in my face as she rushed in front of me.

“Malachi, calm down!”

But I couldn’t. Seeing them walking towards her. Knowing they’d hurt her… I could see it in their eyes, like all those who’d hurt us in the past, their selfishness was as clear as day.


Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance