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The room fills with the soft noise of Linc’s hips colliding with my ass, our staccato breaths, our groans and whimpers.

He feels so big from this angle, like he’s hitting places inside me I’ve never felt before, and when his cock thickens and swells inside me, I choke out a gasp, abandoning River’s lips to

bury my face in his neck.

“We’ve got you, Low. We’ve always got you.”

River’s words are soothing, but his voice is just as strained as Linc’s, and his dick feels like a steel rod in my hand.

He’s close. So close.

But I’m closer.

The feel of the two boys surrounding me, filling me, becomes too much to bear, and an orgasm crashes through me like a tidal wave. Lincoln curses, slamming into me again and again, and I force my hand to keep moving up and down River’s hard length, channeling all my focus into making him come too.

I want to feel him come.

They finish at the same time, and as they do, their bodies converge on mine, pressing me flush between them, not an inch of space between us. River grunts against my hair as his cum coats my stomach, and Lincoln’s cock jerks inside me as he groans out his release.

For a blissful, perfect moment, we all freeze. Time seems to stop while they hold me tight.

Then Lincoln slowly pulls out of me, and we all tumble to the bed like we’ve gone boneless. My stomach is a sticky mess, so I lie on my back, my heart tapping out a heavy drumbeat against my ribs.

Linc props himself up onto his elbows, leaning over to look down at me. A dark shock of hair falls over his forehead, and his amber eyes are almost the color of honey right now, warm and sweet.

“Jesus fucking Christ. Where did you come from, Low?”

“Arizona,” I offer weakly, and he chuckles before leaning down to kiss me, soft and slow.

“You okay, baby?” he murmurs against my lips.

I don’t know if he’s talking about the sex, Judge Hollowell, my mom’s trial, or all of it, but I nod anyway. Because I am. Nothing is fixed, none of my problems have disappeared, but the trapped animal feeling is fading. I feel less violently desperate.

Lincoln gets up to grab a towel from the bathroom, and River tucks a strand of hair behind my ears and kisses me until Linc gets back. We clean ourselves up a little, then we all get dressed.

But now that the adrenaline is leaving my system, I feel so damn tired. Too tired to move. When I crawl back onto the bed, the guys don’t question it. They just crawl up after me and lie down on either side of me, holding me between them as my eyes drift closed.

And I sleep.

* * *

I’m not sure how long I’m out, but when I open my eyes again, the light filtering in through the windows is dimming. The steady, even sound of breathing surrounds me, and I figure Linc and River must have fallen asleep too—until I look up and find a pair of gray eyes watching me.

“Hey,” I whisper.

“Hey, yourself.”

“Did you sleep?”

“Nah.” He shakes his head, his voice quiet too. Linc is asleep—I can tell by the way his breathing hasn’t changed.

“So you just watched the two of us sleep?”

River’s smile makes him look dazzling and boyish. “Does it make me sound like a weirdo if I say yes?”

I grin back. “Nah.”

“You doing okay?” He scoots a little closer to me on the bed, and I hook a leg over his as he rests a hand on my hip.

Tags: Callie Rose Kings of Linwood Academy Romance