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The memory of Adam brought warmth and a smile. “He was good and kind. A friend to everyone.”

“He owned a real estate company, is that right?”

“Yeah, he inherited it from his grandfather. He was really good at that. You know, people trusted him. Justin was his partner, and was more the brains of the operation.”

“And you’ve always been close to Justin?”

She nodded. “Adam and Justin were like brothers.”

Boone paused to consider, then cocked his head and asked, “And Justin’s presence here was normal? The act of randomly showing up would be something he would have done before?”

“Without a doubt,” she said without any hesitation. “He thinks of me as family. The fact that he wasn’t here sooner is more of a surprise, to be honest.”

Boone frowned.

She shook her head and said softly, “I know you’re looking for some red flag that’s going to stand out from my past, but there isn’t any there. All I knew in Seattle was love. Adam and I were living the American dream.”

“Until the car accident,” he retorted gently.

She saw where he was going. “Which has to be a coincidence.” She almost felt bad for Boone. Being a cop had to wear on his soul. He had to be suspicious of everything and everyone. Even her. “I’m telling you, Boone, this is not about my life in Seattle, this has to be about something or someone here.” He didn’t look convinced. “But you’re having a hard time believing me, aren’t you?”

“I cannot be the judge of this,” he said, taking her hand and squeezing tight. “My instincts where the women in my life are concerned are flawed, and I know this.”

Her lips parted and then shut as something about Boone occurred to her. She knew Adam’s passing had done some serious damage to her heart. Chelsea’s betrayal did the same to Boone. “Then who will be the judge?”

“Rhett or Asher,” he said softly. “As long as you’re all right with my telling them what you’ve told me tonight.”

She nodded, glancing away, suddenly feeling like she was an open wound and he’d just poured salt onto her. “Yeah, of course that’s fine.”

“Hey, look at me.” He tucked a finger under her chin, bringing her attention to the warmth of his eyes. “Please don’t let that hurt your feelings. My past has shown me that when I care about someone, I miss things. And I don’t want to miss anything where it comes to your involvement in this case.”

She knew his lack of trust shouldn’t bother her. He’d made her no promises. And yet, she’d come to trust him implicitly.

Now she realized how truly dangerous that was. Because suddenly, with her past exposed, she wasn’t this new, anonymous woman she’d become when she’d moved to Stoney Creek. She was back to being the woman who loved love.

Chapter 11

The church was eerily silent. Not a car outside driving down the road. Not a single person anywhere. The pews were all empty as Peyton strode toward the front. She looked down at her black dress, a feeling of familiarity sliding across her. Candles were lit on every available surface, the lemon scent leading her forward toward the dark-haired man at the organ. His back was to her as he played a song, sounding both dark and despaired. She moved closer toward the coffin at the end of the aisle, even though that was the very last thing she wanted to do.

She glanced from her left to her right, and then behind her. Everything was slow, hazy, like she was a second behind time, not quite able to catch up. She drew closer to the coffin, her heart clenching with every step she took. Adam. He lay like he did when he was sleeping. Quiet. Peaceful. “Adam,” she managed to choke out, her voice echoing around her. Because he would never wake up. “Adam,” she cried.

“I’m not in there.”

Peyton gasped, but it sounded like someone else when she suddenly found the coffin empty. She spun around finding the man at the organ now turned around, facing her. “Adam,” she whispered, moving closer, needing to feel him again. Adam was right there, talking, looking at her…breathing. “How can this be?” she whispered.

She blinked and then he stood in front of her, cupping her face. “You’re not safe, Peyton.”

His touch was gentle and loving and sweet and all the things Adam was. She shut her eyes and leaned into him, placing her hand over his. “What do you mean?”

A blast of coldness hit her face, opening her eyes. Adam was a few feet away now. “You’re not safe,” he said again.

God, his love…she missed that. She missed him. “Why am I not safe?” she demanded.

“Tell Boone to keep looking. Don’t let him stop.” Adam’s eyes pleaded with her, love so clear in his gaze.

“I don’t understand.” Every step she took, he backed away. “Adam!” she screamed, running for him when he began fading. “Adam!”

He held out his hand, reaching for her as he disappeared. “Peyton.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dangerous Love Romance