Page 81 of Heads You Win

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Alex couldn’t believe what was happening, but after hesitating for a moment, he nervously discarded his suit and shirt, and climbed into bed beside her. She immediately took him in her arms and began kissing him. He wondered if it was obvious that she was only the second woman he’d ever slept with. She finally leaned back, let out a loud sigh, and said, “I can see why the enemy didn’t have a chance.”

Moments later she fell asleep in his arms.

* * *

When Alex woke the following morning, and looked at Evelyn lying beside him, he still couldn’t believe this beautiful and sophisticated woman had given him a second look. He feared that the moment she woke, the bubble would burst and he would have to return to the real world.

He began to gently stroke her long red hair. She slowly woke and lazily stretched her arms, be

fore pulling him toward her. After they’d made love a second time, Evelyn rested her head on his shoulder.

“Can I ask you something?” said Alex.

“Anything, my darling,” she replied.

“What can you tell me about Todd Halliday, the guy who was seated on the other side of me last night?”

“Extremely wealthy, old money, but he likes to invest in new companies.”

“Do you think he might be interested…”

“I suspect that’s why Lawrence put him next to you,” said Evelyn.

“But my company is so small—”

“Todd likes to get in at the beginning. He says that’s how the real money is made. I only wish I’d listened to him when he told me to invest in Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and Walt Disney.”

“What sort of sum does he usually invest?”

“Ten, fifteen million, and I’ve even known him to put up as much as twenty-five if he really believes in the person, and I could see he was impressed by you.”

“But what would he expect in return?”

“I’ve no idea,” said Evelyn, “but I’m not going to miss out this time.”

“What do you mean?”

“I shall be among the first to back.”

“You’d be willing to invest in my company?”

“Not in your company,” said Evelyn, “in you. Todd always says there are bullshitters and bulls, and he wasn’t in any doubt which you were, so I asked him to put me down for half a million. In fact,” she added as she stepped out of bed and put on a silk dressing gown, “if Todd is willing to back you, I’m going to have to sell the Warhol my grandfather left me in his will.” Evelyn stood in front of a portrait hanging on the wall. “It’s known as the Blue Jackie, and it captures that poignant moment when she realized her husband was dead.”

“I couldn’t let you do that,” said Alex as he followed her into the bathroom.

“Don’t give it a second thought,” said Evelyn as her robe fell to the floor and she stepped into the shower. “It’s worth over a million, and there are several New York dealers who’d be only too happy to give me half a million, possibly more. And I’ll let you into a little secret, I’ve never really liked it.”

Alex couldn’t concentrate when she turned on the shower and handed him the soap. Another first. It wasn’t until he was drying himself that he said, “I couldn’t let you sell the Warhol, not least because Lawrence would never forgive me.”

“I won’t tell him if you don’t,” said Evelyn, as she strolled back into the bedroom and opened a walk-in wardrobe to reveal row upon row of dresses, skirts, blouses, and shoes. She took her time selecting an outfit. Alex didn’t enjoy putting his old clothes back on as he watched her getting dressed.

“Why don’t we cut out the dealers?”

“Can you zip me up, darling?”

Alex walked across the room, zipped up the dress, and bent down to kiss her on the shoulder as he did so.

“I’m not sure I understand,” said Evelyn, turning to face him.

Tags: Jeffrey Archer Historical