Page 62 of Heads You Win

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“Don’t spare me.”

“You were arrested during a supervision this morning, handcuffed, dragged out of Dr. Streator’s study, thrown into the back of a police car, driven to the nearest nick, charged with breaking and entering a female undergraduate’s room and stealing a confidential file, and left to rot in a prison cell while you await trial.”

“Then this must be the cell,” said Sasha.

“Fair point. Which is why we need to go straight to the Union and be seen having a pint at the bar together, looking as if you haven’t got a care in the world.”

“I don’t think that will be possible.”

“It has to be if you’re going to have any chance of becoming president of the Union.”

“I’m sorry,” said Sasha, “but I have to go to London. My mother needs to see me urgently.”

“What could possibly be more urgent than gathering evidence to prove you’re innocent of any charge?”

“I don’t even know what the problem is,” admitted Sasha, “but the last time my mother used the word ‘urgent’ was when Mr. Moretti died.”

“Then at least let me tell Charlie what’s happened, so we can expose Fiona for what she is and clear your name.”

“Now listen carefully, Ben. You are not to go anywhere near Charlie, unless you want to find out just how close that KGB officer got to having his throat cut.”

Ben froze, and it was some time before he managed, “Just be sure you’re back by nine tomorrow, because you can’t afford to miss your appointment with Sergeant Warwick. Otherwise you could be the first president of the Union to be elected while in prison.”

* * *

When Elena heard the knock on the door she assumed it must be Sasha. She was already regretting phoning during term time, and bothering him with her problems. It would be just like him to drop everything and try to help. She stopped packing and opened the door to find Gino standing there.

“I’m so sorry,” he said as he embraced her. “I just wanted you to know that I’ve handed in my notice, along with five of the kitchen staff and three of my waiters.”

“You mustn’t do that, Gino. I don’t want to be responsible for you all being out of work.”

“Most of us realize we wouldn’t have survived too long with that bastard Tremlett. And in any case, my motives aren’t entirely pure, as I’ve already been offered another job.”

“Who with?”

“Matteo Agnelli.”

“The enemy!” said Elena, laughing.

“No longer. There’s an old Italian saying: My enemy’s enemy is my friend. But Mr. Agnelli only offered me the job on one condition.”

“And what was that?”

“That you’ll come with me.”

“And Betty?”

“I’m sure he’d agree to that.”

“But where would I live?” asked Elena. “Because there isn’t a flat above Mr. Agnelli’s restaurant.”

“You can always come and shack up with me until you find your own place.”

“But what about your partner?”

“He’d only object if you were a man,” said Gino. “So, are you willing to cross the road and join me at Osteria Roma?”

“You should have been christened Coriolanus,” said Elena.

Tags: Jeffrey Archer Historical