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Thea sighs, circling her lips as she applies mascara.

I smile down at Xael in my arms and she yawns. She’s always yawning. I think it’s adorable.

“Hey, cutie.” I kiss the top of her downy soft head. Her dark hair is soft against my lips.

She yawns again in response and I laugh.

Thea finishes with her makeup and moves on to her hair. She brushes through the long strands and then curls them. I bounce Xael in my arms when she stars to get cranky.

“She’s hungry,” Thea sighs, finishing her hair. “Hand her over.”

I give her Xael and she takes her, carrying her over to the bed so she can lie comfortably while she feeds her.

I’m ready, but I slip my shoes on. I dressed up, opting for a pair of nice jeans and a blue button down shirt tucked into them with a belt. Thea plans to dress up too. She has a dress laid out to put on.

“She’s not wanting to eat,” Thea complains. “Your mom might have to give her a bottle.”

“I’m sure she won’t mind a bit,” I laugh.

Thea’s been breastfeeding as much as she can, but it’s a struggle, so Xael has been having to drink from a bottle some. I know that makes Thea feel a little like a failure, but I tell her she shouldn’t feel that way at all. As long as Xael’s eating, that’s what matters, not how she gets it.

My mom arrives and Thea tries a little longer, but when she’s unsuccessful she ends up calling it quits.

We both take turns kissing the baby goodbye. It takes us a solid ten minutes to leave because we won’t stop kissing her.

We finally manage to get in the car, and I leave before either of us can ch

ange our minds.

It’s hard leaving your baby for the first time, and I’m the dad, so I can’t imagine how Thea must feel.

“You look beautiful,” I tell her, it’s the truth but I’m also hoping to distract her.

She forces a smile. “Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself.”

I made reservations at a nicer place downtown that we haven’t been in a long time. It’s actually the place we went to on our first official date, and now it’ll be the first place we went to eat after having Xael.

We reach the restaurant and leave the car for valet parking.

I guide Thea inside with a hand on her waist. She looks uncomfortable and I know she’d much rather be home with the baby, so would I, but we need a breather and we’ll be home before we know it.

“Reservation for Kincaid,” I tell the hostess.

She smiles and grabs two menus. “This way, Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid.”

She guides us to a table in the corner. The restaurant is packed, and I asked for private, but I guess this is as private as it’s going to get.

“Would you like me to take your coats?” she asks as we shrug out of them.

“Sure,” I reply, handing her mine. She takes Thea’s as well and we sit down.

Thea picks up her menu, skimming it. She bites her lip, tapping her fingers on the table.

I can tell she’s nervous about something, but I can’t figure out what it is.

Normally, I can read her easily, but tonight, I can’t get into her head.

I furrow my brow as I watch her, trying to figure her out, but nothing is making any sense beyond her being uncomfortable about leaving the baby.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance