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I stood and headed towards the living room while he went to get dress

ed. Before we parted his hand shot out and he slapped my ass.

“Jude!” I cried as he ran away.

His laugh echoed through the hall and down the stairs as he ran up them.

Oh, I was so getting him back for that one. I had to think of something good though.

I found myself sitting on the couch by myself. Jacob must have went to his room. I would’ve turned the TV on but there were about fifty remotes and I was afraid of breaking something.

A minute later I startled when a half-naked guy walked in. He had shaggy light blond hair, was super tall, and had abs of steel. I was pretty sure he played on the college basketball team.

“Hi,” he yawned. He picked up a remote, turned the TV on, and sat down beside me. Well, not beside me, but on the couch. He was nice enough to leave a body’s space between us. “I’m Dylan,” he introduced himself.


“I know,” he replied, not looking at me but at the TV, “you’re Jude’s girl.”

I was surprised he knew who I was.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“I’m his best friend,” Dylan shrugged. “He told me about you.”

My mouth fell open in shock. First, from the fact that Jude had actually talked about me to someone whom he considered a friend and the guy was aware that I was ‘Jude’s girl’. As a smart, independent, woman being called his girl should’ve made me mad, but I loved it. I was also surprised by the fact that this guy was apparently Jude’s best friend. I couldn’t recall ever seeing Jude talk to this guy on campus. But it wasn’t like I made a conscious effort to look for Jude. Nope. Not at all. Okay, maybe I looked for him sometimes. Let’s face it, even when I hated him a part of me couldn’t resist the attraction I felt to him. How twisted was that?

As if conjured by my thoughts Jude appeared in the doorway. His smile was blindingly bright.

I couldn’t help staring at him. He looked strikingly handsome in khaki pants and an aqua colored t-shirt. He hadn’t bothered to shave his stubble and I thought it served to make him even more ruggedly handsome.

“I see you’ve met Dylan,” he said as he stepped into the room. I noticed he wasn’t pissed at the sight of Dylan and I, like he had been when Jacob had come into the kitchen.

“Yes,” I replied, “we were talking about the fact that apparently I’m your girl now.”

Jude chuckled scratching his stubbled jaw. “That’s right. Get used to it, because I’m never letting you go.” He nodded towards the door. “We better go.”

I smiled at Dylan. “Bye.”

He nodded in reply. I got the idea he was a guy of few words.

Jude and I didn’t speak much on the drive to my house. He did hold my hand the entire way, though. It amazed me how just being near him filled me with serenity. He soothed my broken soul. No, he didn’t just soothe it. He mended it.

“Are you coming inside?” I asked him when he parked the truck on the street outside my house.

“Sure, why not,” he shrugged, unbuckling his seatbelt.

I unlocked the front door and we headed inside, up to my room.

I closed the door behind us and looked through my closet for something to wear. I eyed what Jude wore and wrinkled my nose. “Do I have to get dressed up for this date?”

He bounced on the end of my bed. “I love how you say that like it’s a bad thing, and no you don’t need to dress up.”

“Shorts okay?” I asked, holding up a pair.

He eyed the length and his eyes glowed. “Yeah, that’s definitely alright with me.”

I laughed. I took the dress off and tossed it at his head. He caught it easily.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance