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“Long enough.” He rolled over onto his back and yawned as he stretched his arms above his head.

The sheet dropped down, exposing his chest and I couldn’t help but stare and watch his muscles ripple.

“If you keep staring at me like that, Tater Tot, then we’re going to have a problem.”

I ga

sped as he rolled on top of me, the heat of his body warming mine.

“I wouldn’t mind.”

He hummed in the back of his throat. “God I want you so bad all the damn time. Last night made it even worse.” He lowered his head and nuzzled my neck. His hair tickled my skin and I giggled. “You’re fucking amazing.”

I took his face in my hands and forced him to look at me. “Can we do it again?”

He kissed me in answer.

In no time he had me all worked up and just when I was ready to burst he thrust inside me. Things weren’t as slow as they were last night, but it was still perfect in a different way.

We showered and I got dressed in my borrowed clothes. Out of the bed and in the light of day, I started to feel embarrassed about what we’d done. Jude took my worries away with quick kisses and heartfelt glances.

He led me to the kitchen and told me to sit down at one of the barstools. He then proceeded to make me breakfast.

He was scrambling eggs when one of his roommates walked in.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” The guy asked, looking me up and down.

I felt exposed in my revealing dress and my embarrassment returned. In this outfit it was obvious I’d been at the party—which was long over. So the guy was privy to what Jude and I had done.

“Jacob, stop looking at her like that,” Jude warned, despite the fact that he had his back turned to us.

Jacob gasped. “How do you even know I’m looking at her?”

“Because I know you,” Jude said, still turned away from us as he cooked the eggs, “and you’re definitely looking.”

“You haven’t minded in the past,” Jacob countered, still checking me out. If he kept it up I wouldn’t think twice about elbowing him in the gut.

“I mind now.”

“I see.” Jacob raised his hands in surrender despite the fact that Jude couldn’t see him.

Jacob sat down on one of the three stools, leaving the empty one between us.

“I’m Jacob.” He told me, grinning cockily. I supposed he was good looking with his dark almost black hair, olive skin, and green eyes, but all men had lost appeal to me. There was only one that I wanted and he was currently sliding eggs onto a plate for me. Definitely a keeper.

“I gathered that.” I propped my elbow on the counter and my head in my hand, giving him a look that said his charm wasn’t going to work on me.

“You got a name?”

“Yeah,” I replied. “But you don’t need to know it,” I smiled slowly.

He chuckled, and his hair flopped in his eyes. “I like her,” he told Jude. Jude growled in reply, turning to glare at his roommate. “Hey,” Jacob laughed, “I said I liked her, not that wanted her. There’s no need to get so defensive. But I must say Brooks, it looks like you’ve finally met your match.”

“Go away,” Jude growled. “You’re getting on my nerves.”

Jacob looked at me and shook his head, sighing loudly. “He’s such a delight in the mornings.” To Jude he said, “I’m hungry. I want some eggs too.”

“I’m not your mom, make your own damn eggs,” Jude replied.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance