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He kissed me soundly and then took a step back so there was plenty of space between us. “Soon.” His tone made me squirm and the sparkle in his eyes promised delightful naughtiness.

We took a moment to straighten our clothes before he opened the closet door and poked his head out. “Coast is clear.”

He took my hand and helped me out of the closet—which was now a mess thanks to our escapade.

“You really need to tell me exactly what that was about,” I pried my hand from his. The last thing I wanted to do was get him in trouble here, but I guessed it was too late for that, what with making out in a closet.

He shrugged, smiling sheepishly. “It was so hot how excited you got talking to Mr. Jenkins. How could I not get turned on by that?”

“You’re something else,” I muttered. “I’m pretty sure you get turned on by everything.” I stifled a laugh.

He chuckled, a grin turning up his lips. “I will neither confirm nor deny that accusation. Come on, this way,” he grabbed my arm, pulling me down another hallway. Gone was the fun and now it was time for him to work again.


He finished out his volunteer hours and we headed back to campus. I hated to leave him and return to my shitty home life. I really had to get out of there. I was so done with all of it.

“Hey,” he said before I got out of the truck.

“Yeah?” I perked up, hoping that maybe he’d decided to make a late night visit to his grandpa’s and wanted me to join.

“The guys and I are throwing a party this Friday…well it’s them, not me, that’s having the party,” he shrugged, “but they want me to be there. So I was hoping you’d consider coming.”

“You know parties really aren’t my thing.” My excitement from a minute ago faded.

“Come on, Tate,” he grinned, “I can’t fend off the she-beasts by myself.”

That was all he needed to say to change my mind. “I’ll be there.”

He laughed heartily. “I love it when you’re jealous. Your face gets all red and your nose crinkles.”

“How would you feel about guys flirting with me?” I countered. “I doubt you’d like it very much.”

His brows scrunched together and he glared out the window. “You’re right, I wouldn’t. I’d probably punch them in the face.”

I patted his shoulder. “There’s no need to go all caveman possessive on me now. You know I can handle myself.”

He chuckled at that, his face softening. “Yeah, you’re right. You can certainly take care of it on your own.”

“I’m glad you have faith in me.” Staring out the window at the dark sky and few stars, I let out a breath. “I better get home.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, leaning over to give me a quick kiss. “See you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” I smiled, slipping out of the truck. Almost instantly I missed his presence.

I got in my car and gave him a quick wave before backing away and heading home, to the place that had become my prison.


My dad wasn’t there when I arrived. I was silently thankful for that.

I forced my mom to eat some dinner and helped her to bed. I once again found myself wanting to yell and scream at her to get her shit together, but I knew it would do no good. I’d long ago given up hope that she’d snap out of this.

After I’d gotten her in bed, I’d showered and worked on my paper for a while. I’d managed to get a good bit done and was quite happy with it. I’d changed the direction of it and I hoped Professor Taylor didn’t mind. Instead of focusing on the struggles of being a student in the medical field, I’d chosen to write about the relationships healthcare providers formed with their long-term patients and with each other. How everyone banded together and became a…well, family.

With this new direction I was positive this paper would be the best thing I’d ever written.

Now though, I was trying to go to sleep.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance