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“True,” he agreed. He grabbed my hand, placing a long, lingering kiss to the palm before letting it go.

He went about fixing both horses for riding and then we led them out into the meadow. He tied Gimpy’s reigns around the fence and reached out for me. Before I knew what he was doing, he had his hands on my waist and lifted me onto the horse. I let out a small squeal of fright. I hadn’t expected that.

I swung my leg over the other side of Seraphina and grabbed the reigns. I was scared for only a few seconds before I started to appreciate the beauty of seeing the world around me from the back of a horse.

“Wow,” I gasped, “this is amazing.”

Jude chuckled and started to lead the horse. “I want you to get used to being on a horse before we try riding. Let me guide you and just…”

“Just what?” I gazed down at him, an emotion I didn’t even begin to comprehend filling me when I looked at him.

“Just let yourself feel.”

I continued to look around at the green grass, the trees, and the flowers blooming. Spring was here and with it came the promise of new things and new beginnings, like Jude and me.

Eventually I closed my eyes, holding on tight to Seraphina, and trusted Jude not to let anything happen to me.

A few minutes later I felt him nudge my arm. I smiled down at him and he handed me the reigns. “It’s time for you to try walking her.”

He instructed me on what to do and I listened carefully.

“Okay, try now.”

Seraphina started forward at a slow pace. It felt weird at first, almost like I might slip off, but I soon found my rhythm and when he saw I had the hang of it he helped me bring her to a trot.

“You’re a natural,” he grinned proudly. I was happy that I pleased him.

Seraphina came to a stop and Jude told me to wait while he jogged back to get Gimpy.

The horse and rider barreled towards us. “He’s such a show off,” I muttered

to Seraphina.

She huffed in reply, like she too was disturbed by the display.

Coming to a stop beside me, Jude grinned proudly. I tried to pretend that I was completely unaffected by him, but it was futile.

He pushed dark strands of hair from his eyes and then raised up slightly, pulling his trusty beanie from his back pocket. He put it on and grinned boyishly. “That’s better.” Straightening, he said, “You think you’re ready for this?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be fine. If I fall off I expect you to tend to my wounds.”

He began to laugh. “Like you took care of mine? Something tells me you wouldn’t take too kindly to being slapped.”

My cheeks colored. Just when I’d begun to forget that he decided to bring it up again.

“Slapping would not be appreciated,” I muttered.

He chuckled. My God he loved to torture me. “Lucky for you, I’m a real nurse,” he put a hand to his chest, “and I know what I’m doing. You’re in capable hands.”

“I don’t plan on getting hurt,” I assured him.

“Hey,” he raised his hands in surrender, “you’re the one that brought it up. You know what heals scrapes and bruises really fast?”

“What?” I asked.

“Kisses. Particularly my kisses. You’re very lucky in the fact that you’re the only person I would ever suggest this method to. It’s quite radical really. In some countries it’s even illegal,” he said in a hush, like he was letting me in on something top secret.

“Oh, really?” I quirked a brow as we started to trot down the path.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance