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Lucinda laughed and shook her head. “See what I mean?” She stood, extending her hand one last time. “I’ll see you next Monday, Tatum. Leave your information with Bryce and I’ll contact you when I have the schedule ready.”

“Thank you so much.” I meant it too. Lucinda had taken a huge weight off my shoulders by giving me a job. This was one less thing I had to worry about.

“You’re welcome, dear,” she smiled sweetly.

I thought I would really like working there, and then I turned to see a grinning Bryce. Yep, that one was trouble.

“Give me those digits pretty lady.” He licked his lips suggestively and held a pen to the palm of his hand.

I narrowed my eyes and tore the pen from his hands. “No way. You’ll lose it like that and I need this job.”

“You tell him!” Lucinda cackled from the back. “Oh, Bryce, I think you’ve met your match! He’s scared every other employee away!” Lucinda continued to holler through the door. How did these people hear these things? Jesus.

Bryce gave me a sheepish shrug and handed me a piece of paper.

I wrote my information down and handed it to him. “This better not get ‘lost.’” I made sure to put emphasis on the word ‘lost’ so he’d know I was on to him.

He chuckled. “I like you.”

“See you next Monday,” I called over my shoulder as I left the shop, choosing to ignore Bryce’s comment.

His laughter carried behind me as the door swung closed.

I headed back home, taking my time since I really didn’t want to be at home. I still had thirty minutes before Jude was supposed to pick me up, but when I got home his truck was parked in front of the house.

I shut my car off and jogged over to the driver’s side of the truck.

He rolled the window down and smiled at me.

“You missed me so much you just couldn’t wait to get me?” I asked, not bothering to hide my smile. I was pleased.

“Sounds right. Hop in,” he nodded to the empty seat.

I jogged around the truck with a pep in my step that was normally missing.

As soon as I was in the car, Jude leaned over and seized the back of my neck, drawing my lips to his. He took his time, kissing me slowly. He didn’t rush things with me and I was appreciative of that. His tongue skated against my lips and my mouth parted for him.

When he broke the kiss we were both panting. He kissed my forehead tenderly before pulling away from my house.

“I missed you,” he admitted.

I’d never known three simple words could make you feel so happy. A smile lifted my lips. “I missed you too,” I confessed. The words didn’t weigh me down like I’d feared. I’d spent so long avoiding commitment that it was strange to face it head on. It was funny, Jude and I had both avoided long-term relationships for completely different reasons, and we’d both approached it differently. I avoided everyone, and he went from one girl to the next.

“You did?” He asked, and surprise colored his tone.

I nodded. “I had trouble sleeping,” I admitted.

Although, that could’ve been in part because of what happened with my dad and the subsequent hours spent cleaning my room once I destroyed it. I’d like to think my restlessness had more to do with not sleeping with Jude beside me. It made it not seem so bad.

He groaned low in his throat. “Keep talking like that and I’ll climb through your window at night like a sixteen year old boy.”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t complain.”

He groaned again. “You’re killing me. Seriously, you’ll be the death of me, but what a sweet death it’ll be.”

“I’m very sweet,” I concurred. “It’s all the ice cream and Twizzlers. I’m full of sugar.”

“Tatum,” he said my name low and slow, drawing it out, “did you just make a joke?” He turned stunned brown eyes my way.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance