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I turned away from the mirror before I could get disgusted with myself. I had a lot of issues I needed to work through. Realistically I knew I probably needed to talk to someone, like a therapist, but I was too prideful for that.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I brushed my teeth, and hair, tying the strands away from my face in a bun on top of my head.

Downstairs, I found Jude and Trent watching TV. Rowan sat in the kitchen drinking her morning cup of coffee. I was pretty sure she was addicted to the stuff.

I hopped up onto the counter beside her, swishing my legs. “Morning,” she yawned. “Want some?” She pointed to the cup of coffee.

I shook my head. “No, thanks.” I liked coffee, but unlike her I didn’t need a shot of caffeine when I woke up. “Are we having breakfast here?”

She shook her head. “No, after I call and check on the kids Trent wants us to have breakfast at some diner here.”

“Sounds good. What’s this?” I asked, my eyes landing on a tiny vase. It was one of those that only fit a single stem, but instead of a flower inside there was a Twizzler.

She shrugged. “Ask Jude. I was just as confused as you are.”

Overhearing our conversation Jude strode into the kitchen. Grinning he said, “I’m determined to show you that I’m serious about us, and that means treating you differently. Flowers are overrated, so I decided on something I know you love,” he pointed at the Twizzler in the vase. “I think Twizzler bouquets will be all the rage from now on. I’m a trendsetter.” He plucked the Twizzler out of the vase and waved it in front of my face. “Smells good, huh? It tastes even better.”

I snatched the candy from his hand and took a bite. He grinned. Finishing it off, I said, “I never knew you could be so cheesy.”

My words didn’t faze him. “I’m a romantic guy and wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to you, Tater Tot. Get used to it. Real men aren’t afraid to show a girl they care.”

“Aw, that was really sweet,” Rowan patted him on the shoulder as she passed by, heading for the stairs. “I almost believed you for a second.”

Jude chuckled. “You wound me.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m still not convinced you’re a nursing major. I think you’re playing us all and you’re really studying drama.” Rowan replied, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared him down.

“Sorry to disappoint you, Row,” Jude smirked. “But I’m a sexy man nurse all the way.”

I snorted at that and Row and I dissolved into a fit of giggles.

“Don’t laugh,” Jude smirked, watching me. Something told me I was in trouble with whatever he said next. “You’re the one that was checking out my ass in my scrubs.”

I groaned, cheeks flaming. My reaction prevented me from retorting. It was pointless anyway.

“While this conversation has been…enlightening, I better go change so we can eat,” she pointed to her cotton sleep shorts, “and call the kids.”

“I notice you didn’t deny it.” Jude placed his hands on either side of me, leaning close, his head bowed so his hair tickled my forehead.

“You have a nice ass,” I shrugged. “No point in denying it.”

He laughed, rubbing his nose against mine. “I like this side of you.” His lips quirked and I couldn’t contain my own smile.

“What side?” I questioned.

“The real one.”

I started to squirm, feeling uncomfortable from his words. He stilled me by rubbing his warm hands up and down my arms in a soothing gesture. Without telling him he always knew the best thing to do for me. It was like he could read my mind.

Instead of pushing him away, I did something that surprised us both. I laid my head against his solid chest and let my body sink into his. He enfolded me in his arms and held me against him. I loved how he felt wrapped around me, like we were made for each other. I let out a shaky breath. This whole letting myself feel thing was going to be hard. Real hard. But I was trying and that was something.

“I’m ready!” Rowan called, bounding down the steps.

Jude stepped back and I hopped off the counter. Trent was oddly quiet, watching Jude and I with careful appraisal. I wondered what he thought of the two of us together.

We piled into the SUV and it didn’t take us long to get to the diner. It was nothing fancy, but it was clean so that was something.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance