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“I guess that’s my fault,” he winked, taking a bite of toast.

Besides the near constant sex, Trent had shown me different places around the city nearly every day. He was familiar with the city, so he didn’t waste much time on the touristy things, instead showing me the heart. He’d also taken me to one or two different restaurants every day. I was sure I had probably gained ten pounds in the last week, but I didn’t care. I had enjoyed myself too much to regret even a single moment.

Trent finished eating, and when he saw that I wasn’t going to force anymore down my throat he cleaned my plate as well.

“I want to warn you,” he said, his words instantly making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, “that this party can be a bit…stuffy…if you know what I mean. Just stick with me, okay?”

I nodded, too relieved to know his warning had been about the party and not anything else.

“Trace and Olivia will be there with Dean, so of course you know them,” he shrugged, bracing his hands on the counters. I couldn’t keep my eyes from the way the muscles in his arms flexed with the motion. “But if it gets to be too much, you can tell me, Row.”

Row. I loved it when he called me by my nickname, treasuring the way it sounded leaving his lips.

“I know,” I answered, sliding from the barstool. I don’t know what made me do it, but I found myself wrapping my arms around his middle and hugging him. He seemed shocked at first but his arms eventually wound around me as well. I felt his lips press tenderly against the top of my head.

He grasped my arms so I couldn’t pull away, and looked down at me, studying my face like he was searching for something. Finally, he said, “I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.”

There was everything that I wasn’t telling him.

“You must be imagining things,” I laughed, schooling my features into a mask that even he couldn’t see through.

I hated lying to him, I really did, but I didn’t have a choice. One day, I hoped he’d see that.

Trent nodded, and it was obvious he didn’t believe me, but he wanted to.

He looked at the shiny silver watch adorning his wrist and muttered, “We have to leave or we’ll miss our flight.”

“Can you actually miss a flight when you own the plane?” I joked, hoping to distract him.

“Good point,” he chuckled, heading for the foyer, and running his hands nervously through his dark hair. “We’ll simply be delayed then.”

He wheeled our suitcases into the elevator and I looked around the penthouse one last time.

I wouldn’t be returning, I knew that, and I wanted to take this moment to remember everything.

“Row, come on,” Trent called, his arm keeping the elevator door from sliding closed.

I took a deep breath and stepped in beside him.

The doors closed and I was overcome by sadness as the penthouse disappeared from my sight. I had created some really great memories in that place—memories that would last a lifetime.

When the doors opened, the lower garage appeared, and the same car and driver that had dropped us off waited.

The driver opened the car door for us and then deposited our suitcases in the trunk. I leaned my head against the leather seat, wishing I didn’t feel everything. I wasn’t talking about physical touch. No, I was referring to the emotions I felt at the moment. I had so many emotions rolling through my body that I felt dizzy. It seemed impossible to feel so happy, sad, angry, and a billion other things all at one time.

“Are you getting sick?” Trenton asked and I turned to look at him. I knew I needed to get my act together or he wouldn’t leave this alone.

“Like I said, I’m just tired.” I rested my head against the cold glass window as the driver pulled out of the garage and into the busy traffic.

Trent and I didn’t speak on the way to the airport. I pretended to be sleeping and he read something on his phone.

The flight back was almost as quiet. I knew I should make use of every moment I had left with him, but it would only remind me further that our end was near.

Once midnight struck, and the New Year began, I’d have to say goodbye.


I really was like Cinderella.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance