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Then he was gone again.

Trent and I walked back outside. “What was with the sex comment?” I asked him. “Did you tell him what happened at the library?” I’d thought he’d said as we came in that he didn’t want Trace knowing, but he seemed to be aware of something to make that sort of remark.

I was about ten seconds away from being pissed if he’d told his brother what happened. I’d never be able to look Trace in the eye ever again.

“What? No, of course not,” he stopped walking. “Why would you think that?” He asked, his thick brows furrowing together.

“Um, because of the no sex in the office comment,” I tossed my thumb over my shoulder, pointing at the garage.

“Oh, that’s because of Luca and Avery,” he shrugged as he started walking towards his car.

“They’re real people?”

“Yeah,” he laughed, stopping by his car and crossing his arms over his chest. “Luca is Trace’s best friend, which I seriously don’t understand since the guy barely speaks, and Avery is his fiancé…wife,” he shook his head, scolding himself for the mistake. “They’re gone on their honeymoon now.”

“And they both work here and have sex in the office?”

I was so confused.

Trent laughed, clearly amused by me. “Luca does. He helps Trace. Avery’s just hornier than a guy and can’t leave him alone.”

“That’s not very nice of you to say,” I frowned.

Trent shook his head, giving me a small smile. “Once you meet Avery, you’ll see what I mean.”

I wasn’t so sure I wanted to meet this Avery. She sounded like she’d get on my nerves.

“I’ll see you later.” I wasn’t sure if I should kiss him, or hug him, or I don’t know what, so I turned and walked away. That seemed to be the safer option.

“Wait!” He called, the gravel crunching beneath his boots. “Why don’t we go to lunch?”

“I should really go home,” I mumbled.

“But if you were working you wouldn’t be home,” he peered down at me.

He was right. “Fine,” I relinquished without any fight. “I’ll follow you.”

Ten minutes later I found myself sitting at the same booth in the same restaurant I thought Trent might kill Jude in. I couldn’t help but feel a bit nostalgic when I thought of it, and what had then happened in the bathroom.

I also couldn’t believe I’d just gotten fired. I couldn’t care less about the ‘sex tape’ as Trent kept calling it. Did it really count as a sex tape if it was caught on a security camera? Probably.

“I’ll have the club sandwich,” I told the waiter, handing over the menu.

Trent placed his order and eyed me over his glass of water. “Didn’t you get that last time?”

“I did,” I nodded, “and it was delicious. That’s why I got it again.”

“Why not try something new?” He suggested, his smile widening so that I caught sight of the small dimple in his cheek—it didn’t always show, but when it did, it was adorable.

I squeezed the lemon, dropping it into my water before taking a sip. “If I like something, I don’t see the need to try something else.”

Trent cleared his throat and wiggled in his seat, like he was unsure if he wanted to ask something. “Is that why you…uh…haven’t been with anyone else…since me?” His voice was hushed so it didn’t carry through the restaurant.

I traced my finger over some words carved into the table. “I guess you could say that,” I shrugged.

“If you…had feelings for me all these years,” he ventured, “why did you stay away?” His eyes were truly inquisitive and I knew he genuinely didn’t understand why I had avoided him.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance