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“Really?” I raised a brow.

He nodded, finally taking a bite of his own food.

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks in an unflattering shade of red, because I had been imagining more. Much more. What was wrong with me?

I should’ve known Trent wouldn’t expect that yet, he wasn’t that kind of guy. A part of me was disappointed though. I felt like maybe he was doing this on purpose—dragging it out until he knew I was so desperate with want that I’d jump his bones.

No, it wouldn’t be like Trent to think that way.

More than likely, he wanted me to be sure that I did actually want this. Right now, though, I didn’t want him to be a gentleman.

There wasn’t anything I could do though. Dean was here, and I couldn’t exactly pull Trent away to have my wicked way with him.

It was okay though.

Clearly, now wasn’t the right time for our relationship to move in that direction. After five years though, I felt like I was about to explode. It would be worth the wait. Trent was worth the wait…I just hoped that finally admitting that I did have feelings for him wouldn’t blow up in my face. Who was I kidding? It would. Once all my lies and deceptions were out in the open, he’d hate me. I had to tell him what I’d done. I should open my mouth up and let it all out. But I couldn’t, and I was selfish anyway, wanting to spend more time with him before I didn’t have him at all.

“How’s your mom?” I asked him. I’d only met Lily a handful of times, but she was a lovely woman and had raised her sons well…especially after their dad died. She was the kind of woman I could admire. She was beautiful, but strong and independent. She didn’t take shit from anyone. “Your grandparents?”

“Mom’s good,” he shrugged. “She’s busy a lot now, running the business and all, but we have family dinner’s once a week. I always come home for them.” His eyes grew sad, and he added, “Gramps died a few years ago…cancer. It’s been hard losing him. He became like a dad to Trace and me, after ours died. Gramps’ death has been harder on Trace than me, but I miss him every day.”

My heart b

roke seeing the pain in his eyes. Even two years later it was obvious he still missed his grandpa and that the wound would probably never quite heal all the way. I’d only met Warren once, but he was a nice man, and went out of his way to make me feel comfortable.

“I’m so sorry, Trenton,” I whispered.

He shrugged, his lips turned down in a frown. “It was his time.”

“That might be true, but it doesn’t make his loss any easier.”

Trent nodded, cooing to Dean. I knew he didn’t really want to talk about his grandpa, and that was fine. I knew what it was like not to want to talk about things. I wouldn’t push him.

We moved the conversation to more comfortable topics, like school and friends.

I laughed and smiled easily, something I seemed to only do around Trenton. He had some kind of magical spell over me that melted my icy exterior.

He refused to let me help clean up from dinner, instead putting me in charge of Dean once more. The little boy had renewed energy after dinner and I had to chase him down. He was a quick little thing.

“Do you need to go yet?” He asked, putting food into plastic containers.

I shook my head. “I still have time.”

“Want to put a movie on?” He asked, stacking the containers one on top of the other.

“That’s fine with me,” I grabbed Dean up in my arms before he could crawl up the steps, “I probably won’t be able to stay for the whole thing though.”

“Any extra time I get with you, I’ll take,” he smiled. Pointing to the containers, he said, “These are for your brother and sister. I figured they wouldn’t like fish, so I gave them the chicken I got for Dean.”

Tears pricked my eyes. I hadn’t believed him when he said he’d have food for Ivy and Tristan. But he did. He was remarkable.

I turned away from him so he wouldn’t see the moisture building in my eyes and pretended to be playing with Dean.

“You can pick out the movie.” I jumped when his hand pressed against my waist.

“O-okay,” I stuttered.

He took Dean from my arms and led me to the entertainment center. He brought up something on the TV and said, “Scroll through until you find one you want.”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance