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“It’s not—” he winced in pain. “It’s not the drugs. I was coming to see you tonight, but um,” he looked down at his chest and the bandage winking at us. “I kinda got shot.”

Only Trenton could crack jokes after a gunshot wound.

“Are you sure?” I whispered, daring to hope that he loved me enough that we could move past this, and letting myself believe he was going to be fine.

He nodded. “I’ve loved you since I was sixteen and nothing can ever make me stop. Once you stole my heart, it belonged to you and only you.”

“You’re such a cheese ball,” I cracked a smile—a genuine one as I remembered saying something similar to him months ago.

“That’s me, I like cheese,” he joked, smiling half-heartedly. “Now,” he started sliding over, “since I got shot protecting your honor and all, I think you owe me.”

“I’m not having sex with you in a hospital,” I gasped, appalled that he’d suggest such a thing after everything he’d been through. “Especially after you just had surgery! You’re not in the clear yet, Trent,” my voice cracked painfully.

He rolled his eyes at me. “Who said anything about sex, Row? I’m tired, but I don’t want you to go. Lay with me, please,” he begged, and when he looked at me like that I was unable to resist the temptation.

I climbed into bed beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. I kept waiting for one of the nurses to bust in here and make me leave, but no one came.

He reached over, wincing with the effort, and placed his hand on my stomach. I was about to ask him what he was doing when those pretty baby blues lifted to meet my gaze. “I should have been there for you. I should’ve been able to see my child grow inside you and take care of both of you.” A sadness lingered in his eyes at what he had missed out on.

“I know,” I squeaked.

“I understand why you did it,” his eyes never wavered from mine, “and I’m ready to forgive you. I’m ready to move past this.”

I nodded. I wanted nothing more than that, but I was afraid tomorrow might never come for us. He was lying here dying. I knew he was a fighter, though, so I had to believe he’d pull through this for me—for our family.

“Why the hell did you go after my step-dad, Trent?” I questioned, staring up at the crinkled white ceiling. Everything in here was white and sterile.

Trent coughed, his breath wheezing with effort. “I-I saw him touch you,” he admitted, slowly turning his head to look at me. I felt his eyes on me, but I couldn’t seem to stop looking at the ceiling. “He’s a fucking p-piece of shit and I wasn’t going to l-let him get away with that,” his words ended with another strangled cough.

I made myself look at him then, my brow furrowing with worry. “Are you okay?”

He nodded, his hand over his mouth as he stifled the cough.

“Do you know what happened to my step-dad?” I asked softly, reaching over to stroke his cheek. His eyes closed in response and he made a pleased humming noise in the back of his throat. “Did the police get him? He’s not on the loose is he?”

“After he shot me he took off running and that’s the last thing I remember,” Trent said sleepily. “Don’t worry, though. Trace will take care of everything.”

“Yeah,” I yawned, feeling sleepy too as the days events caught up with me, “he’s good like that.”

“Should I be worried you’re falling for my brother?” Trent’s lips brushed against my forehead. “You know he’s married.”

I laughed. “No,” I kissed his cheek, “there’s only one Wentworth brother for me and he’s right here.”

“Good,” Trent murmured. “I love you.”

“I love you, Trent,” I whispered, kissing his jaw. “Thank you for teaching me that love isn’t a myth. It’s real and we have it.”


I was awakened by a shrill noise. It pierced my eardrums, making me flinch. What the heck was that?

I sat up, blinking sleep from my eyes as the bland hospital room came into view.

The doors to the room burst open and someone pulled me from the bed.

“He’s flat lining!” Was all I heard as doctors and nurses bustled about in a flurry of activity.

I stared in horror at the lifeless body lying in the bed.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance