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“What’s really wrong with you?”

“She’s hangry,” Kira replies.

“Hey,” I snap.

“See,” she defends. “You can’t let her get hungry. She turns into a raging beast. Anybody got a Snickers?” she jokes.

“Don’t worry, babe,” Hollis grins, “we’ll get some food in you.”

“We’ll get some food in you,” I mimic. “Oh my God, I am hungry.”

I face plant on the table. Hollis laughs heartily beside me.

When the waitress returns with our drinks Hollis orders several appetizers before we give the order for our meal.

“I am still pissy about your so-called costume,” I mutter under my breath.

“I bet you won’t have a problem when you take it off of me,” he jokes.

I spit out my drink. “Hollis,” I chide.

“So, what? You can be a goddamn vixen in bed but can’t talk about sex in public? Please. It’s not like there are children around.” He lifts his bottle of beer to his lips, giving me a look like I am crazy.

Which I am.

I also need food.

Like now.

“A vixen, huh?” Kira inquires.

“Shut up.” I hide my reddening face. “I hate all of you.”

“What’d I do?” Cannon voices.

I throw my arms wide. “It speaks!” I shout. “God, my head hurts.”

“She’s crashing from the buzz high,” Kira explains.

“Kira,” I groan.

“What? It’s the truth. You do this every time you drink. You’re super fun to start with and then your inner bitch unleashes and I want to strangle you. Do you expect me to lie?”

“Why do you let me drink then?” I snap back. “Oh, Jesus—you’re right. Someone take me home.”

“Nuh-uh.” Hollis drapes his arm over the back of my chair. “We’re not going anywhere until you eat. No more of this either.” He picks up my drink and sets it aside. “Water from now on. You got an aspirin?” he asks Kira.

She rolls her eyes. “Does it look like I can carry anything on my body?”

“Um … no.”

“Exactly. Let her eat, take her home, give her some medicine and tuck her into bed like a good little boyfriend,” she instructs.

“I have more than going to bed on my mind,” he says with a wicked grin.

Thankfully the appetizers come and I can stuff my face before I shove my fist in my boyfriend’s face—after all, this whole relationship thing is new for us, and I’m pretty sure punching your boyfriend, hungry or not, is frowned upon. Plus, I’d hate myself for it later. Even if he should get knocked down a few pegs—the cocky bastard.

Hollis tries to swipe a cheese fry off my plate and you bet your ass I swat his hand away. “Get your own fries.” I grab my plate and hold it away.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Us Romance