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“What’s going on here?” My dad voices. “Someone start explaining. Now.”

The guys launch into a story about how they went on

a hike to see the mountain views and on their way back a mama bear and two cubs happened to walk up. One of the cubs ran up to Hollis and nipped at his ankle, leaving behind several small cuts, not one of them deep enough for stitches.

“It’s not a big deal,” Hollis says. “I didn’t even want to come here, but Mom insisted on it.” He points an accusing finger at Cannon.

Cannon raises his hands in surrender. “Excuse me for being worried about my friend. A fucking bear bit you.”

“Yeah, a baby bear. And I swear to God if I find out they put that cub down I will lose my fucking mind. It wasn’t trying to wound me. It didn’t even hurt.”

I feel silly for how relieved I am he’s not seriously injured. Now, hearing the story, it’s actually quite comical.

Hollis stands up and does a twirl. “See, I can stand. I can walk. I can dance.” He does a little jig to prove his point. “I’m a-okay and ready to go.” He glares at the doctor.

“We still have to give you a shot to prevent potential infection since this is a bite from a wild animal and there’s lots of bacteria in their mouths.”

“Then give me the shot doc so I can leave.”

“Only one person can stay with you,” the doctor says in response.

My dad glances at me. “You stay with him, I want a more detailed explanation of what happened from these three.” He tosses his thumb over his shoulder at the standing guys and their shoulders sag, fearing trouble.

I wait for them to leave, not wanting to look eager to get close to Hollis. Besides, I shouldn’t want to be close to him anyway and I silently curse myself for feeling this way.

The doctor leaves, probably in search of a nurse to take care of getting the shot and discharge paperwork ready.

I sit on the edge of the bed by Hollis. We’re close enough the heat of his arm brushes mine. I glance down at his leg, surveying the size of the bite, and he’s right. It’s barely anything. But it was a wild animal so I see the cause for alarm.

“Nice battle wound,” I joke.

He groans, leaning his head back. “I’m never going to live this one down. Hollis Wilder gets attacked by a baby bear. I can see the headlines now. Not to mention once the guys are no longer worried I’ll never hear the end of it. The little guy only wanted me to play with him.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal. “The mama didn’t like it and hauled him away, though. We could’ve had fun.” He gives me a grin.

I bump his shoulder with mine. “I thought my dad was going to lose his mind when he got that phone call.”

He’s quiet. “And what about you?” he finally voices.

I bite my lip. “It worried me too,” I admit.

“You? Worried about me?” He places a hand against his bare chest. “I’m flattered, Mia.”

I shouldn’t like the way my name rolls off his lips.

I’m pathetic.

He brushes a piece of hair behind my ear that’s fallen loose from my ponytail, his fingers lingering against my skin. He’s so close to me I can count every eyelash if I want to.

“I like knowing you were worried about me,” he breathes on a whisper and I swallow thickly.

What’s happening between us scares me. It’s happening so fast, like a free fall, and I don’t know yet if a net is going to catch me or if I’m going to slam straight into the ground. I don’t want to find out, but I’m helpless to walk away. I’ve never had anything to feel like this before. None of my past boyfriends ever made me feel remotely like Hollis can with one glance and we’re not even close to dating. We’re barely friends.

His forehead brushes mine, and I think he’s going to kiss me, but the nurse chooses that moment to enter the room and we both jump apart like we’ve been electrocuted. I suddenly feel cold all over from the loss of his body heat.

I sit quietly while she gives him a shot and then goes over things to watch for as far as possible infections.

“I’ll get your discharge papers,” she announces, leaving.

The room is charged with energy, but neither of us moves closer to the other.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Us Romance