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“I can do things after I graduate,” I reason.

She rolls her eyes. “Um, no, because you’ll go straight into working for your dad’s studio and then you really won’t have a life. Your dad will also have you right where he wants you, under his thumb so you can’t ever get laid. You need some dick.”

I snort. “No, I definitely don’t.”

My last relationship, if you could even call it that, hadn’t ended well. While I was over him and he wasn’t worth my time, it still stung badly enough that I

didn’t want to bother going down the same path again.

“A boyfriend then,” she continues.

“No,” I say steadily. “Can you let me eat in peace?” I plead, finally tearing open the foil on my breakfast bar. I haven’t even touched my banana yet.

“Oh, you’re hangry,” she surmises. “It all makes sense now.”

I roll my eyes and bite sloppily into the bar, pieces raining down on the laminate tabletop.

Standing, with her hands flat on the table, she says, “I still say if you got laid it’d loosen you right up. You’re too uptight.”

“Thanks for the advice I didn’t ask for.”

“Any time.” She sticks her tongue out at me. “See you for lunch?”

“Starbucks?” I ask. “I need coffee.”

“Sure,” she agrees. “I gotta go. Love ya.” She blows me a kiss as she leaves and then cackles when I pretend to bat it away.

I finish my cereal bar and the banana before hurrying to my next class.

Hurry here, hurry there, hurry, hurry, hurry everywhere and still I get nowhere.

* * *

Kira and I sit down at one of the vacant tables in the Starbucks down the road from the University. It’s close enough we could walk if we desired, but we never do. We must be lazy.

I take a bite of my sandwich, nearly moaning in ecstasy. The food I grabbed from the dining hall had done little to tide me over.

Kira gives me an amused glance.

I don’t care if I look ridiculous as I savor my sandwich.

“Are you working today?” Kira asks. Both of us work at the Sub Club. A local sub shop. It’s all about normalcy in the Hayes household.

“No.” I shake my head. “Jess,” I refer to one of the girls we work with, “asked to trade shifts so I’ll be at the studio today instead.”

The studio. I gulp. Somehow, for a moment at least, I forgot Hollis and the guys will be there. I still haven’t met the one member. Considering I’m basically a glorified gopher … there’s no telling what they’ll ask me to do. I can picture Hollis getting a kick out of making me run around like a chicken with its head cut off. If he tries anything I might punch him. I always try to avoid violence, but even after only two encounters with Hollis I want nothing more than to wipe that smug smile off his face.

“Earth to Mia.” Kira waves a hand in front of my face.

“Sorry.” I give an apologetic smile.

“It’s going to suck working without you. It’s always more fun when we work the same shift,” she pouts, resting her elbow on the table and her head on her hand.

“Ditto,” I agree.

The time always passes by faster with Kira and I both behind the counter. Even if I have to keep an eye on her and her sharp tongue. If a customer takes too long or even looks at her funny she gets mouthy. It’s one of the things I love about her, but in a work situation it can be a severe hindrance.

We finish up our lunch and head back to campus for our last few classes of the day.

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