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ake her silence as her defeat.

“I’m glad you could see things my way.” I start to close the door.

“Watch yourself,” she warns. “I’m this close to slapping you again.” She holds up her thumb and forefinger a tiny bit apart.

I chuckle and shake my head. “Try it, Princess. I’ll be expecting it from now on.”

She harrumphs and crosses her arms over her chest. I close the door and jog around to get in the driver’s side.

She doesn’t speak to me on the drive back to campus, but I didn’t expect her to.

I park as close to her dorm as I can get and let her out. She doesn’t look at me or say goodbye as she gets out.

I watch her walk away and just before she disappears, I whisper, “I’m sorry.”

And I am. She doesn’t know how much I wish things were different. That I was different. That I could be the guy she deserves.

Bennett and I sink back into an easy rhythm. We forget that our kisses happened and completely ignore what transpired at the bar. I continue to play the part of the perfect girlfriend and he’s still … Bennett. Thanksgiving came, and I headed home alone despite the fact that my parents requested Bennett join me. I didn’t want to deal with that drama so I didn’t tell Bennett they asked. I told my brothers the real deal between Bennett and me and they promised to help me out with my dad.

Classes are back in session now for a few weeks before Christmas break. In other words, it’s time for finals. Shoot me.

I knock on his door and hear shuffling so I know he’s there. The door opens a moment later and I push myself inside armed with loads of shopping bags.

I drop them on the bed and turn to him. “Try them on,” I demand. “And here’s your credit card.”

He eyes the stack on the bed and then looks at the card. “Fuck, did you catch the thing on fire with how many times you swiped it?”

I sigh. “I know you can afford it. Besides, I got a lot of things on sale. Just because my family is rich doesn’t mean I don’t know how to bargain shop.”

He shakes his head and picks up a bag, pulling out a pair of khaki pants. “I’m going to look like a prep.”

I stick my hands on my hips. “No, you’ll look like a man. You know, like someone that has their shit together.”

He chuckles. “Touché.” He pulls the rest of the items from the bag and holds up a maroon-colored sweater. “This looks like I’m going to play polo.”

I snort. “I’m pretty sure they don’t wear sweaters to play polo.”

He shrugs. “Still …” He lays more items out on the bed. “I like that.” He points at a brown leather jacket.

“Stop looking at the stuff and try it on,” I demand. I’m eager to see Bennett in something other than jeans and a t-shirt. He has a killer body and he’s hot, but he usually dresses like a bum.

“You want me to drop my drawers right here, right now, Princess?”

“Yes,” I say, my impatience growing.

“I’m not wearing underwear,” he says with an impish smile.

I don’t believe him so I call his bluff. “I’ve already seen everything,” I remind him, my mind briefly flashing back to that morning in his apartment.

He chuckles. “True. I forgot you like to look at my cock.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”

His smile only grows. “Sit back and enjoy the show, Princess.”

I shake my head and move around him and rummage through the bags. “Try this first.” I thrust a pair of nice denim jeans at him and a button-down shirt.

“Yes, ma’am.” He takes them from me and drapes both across the back of his desk chair. He smirks at me as he grabs the bottom of his shirt and crisscrosses his arms as he lifts the shirt up. He does it slow, purposely teasing me, and my breath catches at the sight of the reddish-blond hair trailing from beneath his belly button and disappearing into his jeans. He chuckles, having heard the small sound I made. I wish I could take it back so he didn’t hear it and know that he affects me. We’ve been doing better since that night at the bar, and I don’t want to ruin this easiness between us. I hate to admit it, but Bennett’s become my friend, and I don’t want to jeopardize that.

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