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“Maybe I want a little danger tonight,” I say breathlessly.

I squeak in surprise as he grabs me by the waist and twists me around, shoving my back into the wall and caging me in with his body. I struggle to get enough air and my breasts brush his chest with each shaky inhale.

He ducks his head into the crook of my neck and bites the skin there. My eyes flutter close and my heart beats rapidly. God, I want him. The affect he has on me is unreal.

He pulls away and smiles at me cockily. “We have to go, Princess. Thanks for actually wearing your ball gown this time.” He winks.

I still struggle to get enough air, but I manage to hiss, “You’re such an asshole.”

“So you like to tell me. But we can’t get carried away when I have a present waiting for you in your room.”

“A present?” I raise a brow.

He stands to the side and raises his arm to sweep toward the open door.

“Go see for yourself.”

I want to, only I can’t move. I’ve only just realized that Bennett is wearing a tux and holy hell the tux is tailor-made for his body. It’s cut to perfectly fit his muscular body and his blondish-red hair is slicked back and brushed to the side. He looks … sophisticated, like some Duke from a foreign land.

Annnnd I’m turned on again. Great.

“Your present?” He raises a brow and chuckles.

“Oh, right.” I shake my head and step out of the bathroom.

“Took you long enough. I was afraid you guys were doing the nasty and the thought alone made me want to throw up in my mouth.”

I stop in my tracks and my jaw drops. “Elle? What are you doing here?” I shriek in excitement and run toward her, throwing my arms around her shoulders. I step back and appraise her dress. “Damn, you look good, girl,” I compliment.

She’s dressed in a floor-length black-sequined dress that flares out at the bottom on a mermaid cut with black tulle. Her dark hair is straightened and hangs in long thin sheets and her makeup is done in dramatic dark colors with a smoky eye and a purple-red lip color. She looks like a sexy vampire and the style suits her well.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” I exclaim and hug her again. “How did you do this?” I look to Bennett.

He shrugs. “Paid for a plane ticket.” Obviously, he leaves unsaid.

“I know that.” I laugh. “But I guess I should’ve asked why?” I turn to Elle. “Not that I’m not happy you’re here, of course.”

“Ryland is here too.” She smiles at this and gets a wistful look in her eyes.

“Is this the part where you finally admit you’re dating the guy?”

She shrugs and mumbles, “We’re dating.”

I grin triumphantly. “I knew it.

“Yeah, yeah.” She waves a hand dismissively as Bennett steps up behind me and wraps his hands around my waist.

He rests his chin on my shoulder and says, “To answer your why question, it was because I felt like it. I know tonight is a big deal in your family, and I thought it would be cool for Elle and Ryland to come.”

I tilt my head to the side and kiss the side of his cheek. “You’re too sweet.”

Elle gags. “You two are gross.”

“Oh, stop it,” I scold her with a smile. “You’re just as bad with Ryland and that was before you admitted you were together.”

Bennett chuckles and his laughter rumbles against my body. “Ladies, I think it’s time for us to join the party.”

Elle runs her fingers through her hair. “Will there be paparazzi here?”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Us Romance