Page 97 of Wrangled

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Chad, despite the vexation on his hardened face, continues to listen to me, his jaw tight and his lips pressed shut.

“But I also have to consider what might become of me in this hypothetical ten-years-from-now life,” I go on, softer, ponderous. “I wonder if the success will bring me happiness … or if in the end, I’ll end up alone, surrounded by lots of money, glittery things, and fake friends who bring over bottles of wine every time they visit my big, lonely flat.” I bite my lip, then shrug. “Or maybe it’s some kind of middle ground I’d face in the future. A little bit happy, a little bit sad, a little bit alone.” I lift my eyes back to Chad’s. “Truth is, I’m not sure if this life was ever meant for me.”

Chad lifts an annoyed eyebrow. “Can I speak now?”

I give him a patient nod.

He straightens up at once, looking smart, then addresses me evenly. “How about I pose a different scenario? You and I make it work. We’re patient with each other. You pursue your dreams. I build up my ranch. We check in with each other, we support each other, and we make plans to see each other whenever time allows. Ten years from now, I’ve still got my ranch—maybe two or three—you’ve got your fashion line and a hundred employees, and we’re happy as fuck, and ain’t no one resentin’ no one for nothin’.” He crosses his arms, satisfied with himself. “That sounds a lot better.”

Despite my mixed emotions, I catch myself laughing suddenly at his adorable optimism. “Well, your version of our future does sound better, I’ll give you that.”

The sight of me laughing makes him smile broadly. A wistful look makes his eyes turn soft. “I want to kiss you so bad right now, Lance. I just want to call you mine already and let it be a day.”

“That sounds pretty amazing,” I admit, then glance away.

He looks away, too, his eyes falling on the reception, which is carrying on without either of us. “You’ve probably got a lot more schmoozing to do.”

“I could schmooze more.” I bring my eyes back to him. “Or I could call it a day, too.”

He shakes his head. “Don’t let my arrival throw you off your game. I’ll sit back, let you do your thing, let you shine.”

My eyes drag down his body. “You know, this industry—and my developing brand in particular—could use another hot model. And you’ve got all the right proportions.”

Chad snorts at me. “Nah, I ain’t cut out for catwalkin’. I don’t want a bunch of eyes on me like that. The only person in the world I’d ever model for is you.”

“I might take you up on that,” I warn him.

He smirks adorably, his dimples popping. Then his hands run up my arms, take hold of my shoulders, and he pulls me in for an unexpected hug. I fall into his body, enveloped by his warmth and his muscular embrace.

For the first time in weeks, I feel safe, protected, and loved.

And complete.

“I don’t care what our future looks like,” he whispers into my ear, “or whether I’m a part of yours, or you’re a part of mine. All I care about is right now, right here. I want to show you how much I love you back, Lance. Yeah, I’m sayin’ it back,” he adds when my body tightens at the sound of those words. “You’re not the only one who can come out and say that outta nowhere. I’m always gonna love you, no matter what the hell happens to us.”

I smile against his chest, unable to help myself.

“Today is going to be our day,” I suddenly decide.

He pulls away to get a look at my face. “What’s that?”

“I’m going to finish up here,” I tell him, “and then I’m going to show you my life on the west coast. I’ll take you out for a late lunch, show you my favorite park, then cook you a nice dinner in my apartment where you’ll stay the night.”

Chad’s eyes light up with surprise.

“I don’t know what our future holds either,” I admit, fighting the heaviness of doubt in my heart, “but it doesn’t mean we have to ignore what we’ve got right now. And on that point, you are absolutely right.”

He smirks proudly. “Well, finally you prove you’ve got enough sense in ya to listen to me.”

I take him out for lunch at a quaint place on the edge of town with the best house specials. We eat at a table in a sidewalk café with the warm afternoon sun over us and a gentle breeze playing through our hair. And it’s over those couple plates of delicious food that he tells me all the excitement of what’s been happening in Spruce over the past few weeks. Apparently the latest gossip is that Cassie Evans plans to run for mayor of Spruce in the fall. Nadine Strong, having caught wind of that, decided she has her own agenda to promote (and old rivalries to entertain), and so she too will be running for mayor. Everyone predicts an all-out war.

Tags: Daryl Banner M-M Romance