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I tilted my head. “Where would you have learned that from?”

I hadn’t told her I wanted or didn’t want kids. I had barely spoken to her.

In fact, if I was so against kids, I wouldn’t have had unprotected sex so many times without first being positive that I was for sure covered.

Something in which she didn’t know.

But, at one point, I hadn’t wanted kids.

And the only person to know that would be…

“Have you been talking to my ex-fiancé?” I asked casually.

Brianna’s eyes gleamed. “Maybe.”

My lips twitched at that. “Beau was the type of person you didn’t have kids with,” I told her point blank. “The type that didn’t want kids, and you agree with that person because you love them. I’ve always wanted kids, but not with a person that doesn’t want them.”

Brianna’s mouth opened, but it was Will’s hand on the inside of my thigh that had me glancing his way.

“You sure that you want kids?”

The questioned sounded like it’d been forced out of him. “Yes.”

He blew out a breath that I hadn’t realized he was holding.

“I didn’t think that was a game changer until…” he gestured at Brianna. “I want them.”

I leaned into him and said, “Beau scared me with how selfish he was. I didn’t realize just how selfish until after but… yeah. There was a reason I didn’t want any with him.”

A throat cleared, and it was only then that I realized Brianna hadn’t left.

Will tore his gaze from me and returned it to Brianna. “Is there a reason you always have to pick a fight?”

Brianna smirked and jerked her chin in the direction of a middle-aged man that was sitting at a table by himself. He waved when he saw us looking at him, causing Will to sigh.

“You do realize, correct, that he has a brand-new baby and a wife that’ll literally slaughter you if you give her a chance?” Will murmured.

Brianna scoffed. “It’s just a business meeting.”

“Business meeting my ass,” Dick grumbled.

I tended to agree with the man.

That was no business meeting. Especially when you looked at the way that poor guy’s face was turning redder and redder the more we stared.

Before much more staring could occur, the guy abruptly got up and left, leaving Brianna to stare with narrowed eyes, and the rest of us to rejoice.

“Well that’s unfortunate,” I said, staring at the way the man hoofed it across the restaurant. “You’ll have to eat all alone.”

Luckily, we were at max capacity for our table, and there was no way she was fitting her scrawny ass into our table.

Even luckier was our drinks coming out, and the waitress shouldering Brianna out of the way without even realizing what she was doing.

“Whoooooa,” Ashlie said. “Uncle Will, can we get one of those?”

I followed Ashlie’s line of sight and blinked. “Yeah, Uncle Will. Can we get one of those?”

It was a stack of onion rings that looked at least two feet high.

Will’s gaze followed my own and his eyes widened. “Do you know how many fucking calories even one of those would be? Hell, the whole plate is probably a week’s worth of calories.”

I looked at him like the fun sucker he was. “Nobody likes a butthead, Will.”

Will’s lips twitched, and Ashlie started to laugh.

And all of a sudden, Brianna was all but forgotten, causing her to growl in frustration.

I continued to ignore her as the waitress set our drinks down in front of us.

Chocolate milk for the girls and me—because when I heard them order I knew that was what I had to have, too—and half sweet, half unsweet for the parentals, and a boring old water for Will.

I took my glass of milk and scooted it closer before all but snatching my straw out of Will’s hand and carefully tearing the paper for prime shooting capability.

Putting the plastic straw to my lips, I blew it at Will, causing him to blink and turn very slowly to face me.

Ashlie and Petra started to giggle.

“Ohh, show me how to do that!” Petra begged at the same time Ashlie started to tear into her straw.

“Nope,” I teased as I stilled her hand and reached for Will’s straw, which he never used, and showed her how to tear the paper perfectly to get the maximum shooting power.

She reached for the one I’d half torn into and finished it, all before aiming at Will, too.

Only, it went wide and shot Brianna straight in the forehead.

Petra followed suit, and instead of aiming for Will, she aimed for her grandmother.

It went wide and shot her grandfather directly in the mouth.

We all had a good laugh at that, and when I turned back to find Will staring at me, it was with something I couldn’t quite decipher in his eyes.

Before I could question him on it, the girls were asking for Dick and Jane’s straws.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale Madd CrossFit Romance