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The last thing he needs is proof that relatives who should give a shit about him don’t.

“Think positive,” Echo suggests. “Put out good vibes. They’ll come back to you.”

Xavian squeezes her hand. “Thanks. Hey, we have until five before the cocktail mixer. Can we get out of here for a bit? I don’t think I can just chill on the beach today without going stir crazy.”

Good call. I don’t think I can keep my hands to myself, especially if Echo and I stay in our room or she puts on another bikini. “You want to have lunch somewhere on the island, then sightsee a little?”

“That would be nice,” Echo agrees.

So we all agree to make an afternoon of it, first traveling north and stopping at several scenic points along the way until we reach Lahaina, where we find a fresh seafood place on the beach. Afterward, we backtrack and head south again.

Before we left my room, I’d tucked away the notes I took during the conversation with Fay Henderson. When I passed the suggestions to Xavian, he and Echo both got fired up to hit a local place with ropes courses and ax throwing. We’re all experienced climbers, so we challenge ourselves and tackle the most difficult climbing elements.

I swear I’ve seen Echo a hundred times in spandex shorts, but usually with some baggy T-shirt that covered everything from her neck to her mid-thighs. Not today. Nope, she’s wearing a tight crop top in a siren red that clings to her tits, and my good intentions of watching to make sure she doesn’t need help climbing—which she doesn’t—quickly devolve into ogling her. I can’t resist offering a hand or holding her waist.

More than once, Xavian looks at me, brow raised. I have to tell him that Echo no longer needs his “services.” If that’s too subtle, I’ll use small but threatening words to explain that, if he lays a finger on her, I will cut off his balls and feed them to the fish.

At the end of the hike, it’s hard to catch my breath…and I can’t merely blame exertion. Echo melts against me, panting as she recovers. I can smell her sweet scent. It sneaks through my nose and seeps into my senses. With that comes the memory of her mouth under mine. And her provocative words.

I’d rather have you inside me.

Just like that, I’m hard again.

But not deflowering her is for her own good. I can stand a few cold showers. I can take myself in hand. It won’t be the first time…or the last.

I need to think of something besides Echo. Being fixated on having sex with her when we’re supposed to distract Xavian from his worries isn’t okay.

Echo passes on the ax throwing, which is probably good for me, too. I’m so focused on her I’d probably end up minus a toe or two. Best of all, X seems better off now that we’ve given him a change of scenery and activity.

“What do you want to do now?” I ask him as we pull away from the adventure park.

Neither he nor Echo has anything in mind, and we still have hours to kill. So we meander through some kitschy shops and people-watch on the beach before heading back toward Wailea.

“Hey, since we’re out, could we stop at the bed-and-breakfast where my sister and West honeymooned? It’s not too far, and Eryn said they had an afternoon yoga and hibiscus tea thing that was awesome.”

I look at Xavian. He shrugs.

“Sure.” I nod. “Start the GPS.”

Twenty minutes later, I park beside a big white, island-style house with an expansive lawn that gives way to an unspoiled, unobstructed view of the ocean. Not going to lie; it’s sweet. Living here would be no hardship.

Outside, two couples mill around with yoga mats, talking while a redhead with an infant sleeping in a harness strapped to her front bustles around, gathering water bottles for everyone with a smile.

I’m not much for yoga. But Echo darts in their direction, so I rush to catch up. X reluctantly follows.

“Hi,” Echo says to the woman, hand outstretched. “Are you Keeley?”

The redhead smiles. “I am. How can I help you? If you’re here about a room, I’m sorry. We don’t have any vacancies this week.”

“I just wanted to meet you. My sister and her husband honeymooned with you. Eryn and West Quaid? They said—”

“Echo!” Keeley squees like she’s met her new best friend.

That makes my girl happy. Wait, she’s not my girl as in my girlfriend. Yes, she’s my girl friend, but… This shit is confusing.

“You remembered my name?” Echo sounds amazed.

Keeley nods. “I loved having your sister here and was so sad the day she and her husband left the island. But she texted me a few days ago and said you’d be on Maui this week and that you might stop by for a visit. It’s time for yoga or I’d chat more. If you’ve got an hour, have some tea, then we can visit.”

Tags: Shayla Black Romance