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When I didn’t even put myself in this scenario in the first place.

Fucking Dillan did.

Does he plan for me to fuck him?

Because I won’t.

But then again, will he rape me?

I look back up to see dark eyes watching my every move. He leans against the wall his hands in front of him.

“I can see why he didn’t want you.” His words are wrapped in a brash tone that slithers all over me, making me feel even more meaningless than I could think possible in this moment. He steps closer to me, and I look up to see he has slid on jeans, which now sit low on his toned hips. I didn’t even know hips could be toned.

“Are you always this stupid?”

“I’m not stupid.”

He huffs at my words. “Exactly what a stupid person would say. Stay here and don’t fucking move. I have a guard at the door who isn’t afraid to knock you out again if you disobey.” He steps farther into my space, snaps his teeth, and smirks as he hovers over me. “Under-fucking-stood?”

My head nods on its own accord, because, right now, he is one of the scariest people I have been around on this planet. And I’ve dealt with my fair share of monsters in my life. His looks deceive you—they reel you in. And even though his words are cruel, it’s his eyes that let me know he isn’t joking. That he would do some of the worst things imaginable to me if I pushed him even a sliver of an inch.

And I don’t even know why.

“Shower. You fucking stink.” He turns, grabs a shirt, and throws it on over his head and without stopping he walks out the door, then slams it as he leaves. The whole room shakes under the weight of the door, and I wonder for a second if the door hinges will hold.

My hands fall to my sides as I start to consider how I got trapped with a man like this and how I’ll get out of here. Maybe if I talk to him, be nice, he’ll let me go.

I don’t even know why I’m here.

What has Dillan done?

Walking back to my shoes, I search around for my bag. When I find it, I sigh in relief and open it, searching for my phone. When my hand comes out empty, the tears I’ve been holding back finally fall.

He’s taken my phone—the one that holds all my work. Everything I do is on that phone.

I may not be in the business world like Dillan is, but the few clients I do have, I love. And I’m starting to make a decent wage being an online assistant to them.

How am I meant to work if I don’t have my phone?

My head lowers to my hands as my body lets go and drops to the floor. I try to wipe away the tears, but they aren’t stopping. Why aren’t they stopping?

“Miss.” I hold my breath as I look up. Standing in front of me is a boy—no, maybe he is a man, but he’s definitely on the younger side. He holds his hands clasped together in front of him and offers me a shy smile. “I brought you some food.” He nods to the bed, and I see a tray sitting there with all kinds of food neatly displayed. “We weren’t sure what you liked,” he finishes and turns to leave.

“Stop,” I say, quickly getting back to my feet as I swipe at my tear-stained face. “Where am I?”

“I’m not permitted to answer any questions. I’m sorry.” He walks out with an oddly sympathetic expression and shuts the door carefully behind him with a click.

The smell of the food hits me, and my stomach begins to grumble. I didn’t eat before we went out, and now, I wish I had. I step to the window and pull the curtains back. Outside there’s a large in-ground pool and a white gazebo, all surrounded by a lush green yard. I knew I was in the house of someone who has money—I mean, the marble flooring alone tells me that—but now as I look outside as the sun is starting to rise, I see it all so clearly. Squinting, I realize we are also near the beach because I can see the water from here.

My thoughts return to what he said before he left me here, Shower. You fucking stink.

He told me to shower.

I’m not sure I want to make him mad. My plan is to get on his good side, then get him to let me go. And more than anything I need to get my phone back.

It’s the only plan I can think of right now.

Turning back to the tray, there’s a selection of fruit, croissants, and pastries all lined up in neat rows. I pick up a chocolate croissant hoping it’s not poisoned, and with each delicious bite I take, I move to the bathroom he walked out of before.

Tags: T.L. Smith Chained Hearts Duet Erotic