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“With UV lights to keep bad vampires out.” I yawn and bend my legs up, trying to get comfortable.

“There’s no reason why we can’t do this to our current house,” he says seriously. “Though the crocodiles won’t survive the winter.”

“A moat would be pretty cool, but our Victorian-era house doesn’t really go with one.”

“Sell it and we can build a castle. A safe room in the basement is something I’d like to have.”

I tip my head so I can look at him. “We are not selling that house. Ever. And I can magic us a safe room that’s safer than a real safe room. Kinda like how I did tonight.”

I cast a circle of protection on this apartment as soon as we got in it and added a cloaking spell for good measure. If anyone is looking for me, they won’t be able to find me easily.

“We can sleep easy tonight.” Lucas adjusts the blanket over us. “Are you getting cold?”

“I am cold. I’m fine, though. It’s nice being out here with you.”

“You can be inside with me.”

“Stop being logical.” I yawn once more, followed by a shiver. We go inside and get ready for bed. I didn’t realize just how late it was, and I haven’t yet enchanted the windows. Since Eliza lived here before, every window has thick blackout curtains, so Lucas will be fine. Maybe in the morning I’ll close the bedroom door and enchant the windows in the living room at least so I can have some natural light.

Not bothering with clothes, I get right into bed after brushing my teeth and taking a shower. Lucas turns on the built-in electric fireplace and gets into bed next to me. Neither of us remembered to bring the heated blanket, so Lucas tucks an extra fleece blanket around me that feels good now but will probably make me wake up all sweaty in a few hours.

“Goodnight,” he whispers, snaking an arm around me and getting as close as he can with all the pillows I have shoved under my back and stomach to keep me from rolling off my side in the middle of the night. “I love you, Callie.”

“I love you too.”

Chapter 18

“If you pull, we’re going back inside,” I tell Scarlet, slipping my arms through my leather jacket. It’s nearing one in the afternoon, and I just got to the house on North Orchard. Lucas had one more surprise for me and had a wonderful breakfast delivered, and I ate my weight in bacon and pancakes. I still feel full and taking Scarlet for a walk around the block should help. The sun is shining today, but the air still has a chill to it.

Scarlet sits patiently, tail thumping against the polished marble floor in the foyer. I clip her leash to her collar and head out the front. There are people out and about today, and as expected, we got stopped a few times. It’s not every day you see a dog as big as Scarlet, and I laugh on the inside each time someone comments on her size since she’s half her real size in this form.

It feels good to get out and move, and I can’t remember the last time I went for a run. Scarlet is behaving so well we go around the block one more time. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see Abby texted me.

Abby: This might sound weird, but is there any chance you’re walking Scarlet in Lincoln Park right now?

Me: Not weird, but creepy. Because I am.

Abby: Ricci said she saw you “with a really big dog.”

It takes me a minute to remember who Ricci is. Oh, right. She’s Mrs. Real Estate and she’s the lady whose kid fell over their balcony and it was seriously lucky I happened to be there.

Me: I forgot she lived nearby. Is she on your street?

Abby: The next one over, thank god. Are you going to be in Chicago much longer?

Me: I’m not sure. Lucas has some business stuff to do in the city tonight, so we’ll probably stay until the morning.

Abby: It’s my turn to host a ladies’ night, and I was thinking about taking my friends to that bar Lucas owns. I would totally invite you but you’re—

She sends the pregnant-woman emoji.

Me: Hah, I’m not much fun in a bar.

As Lucifer reminded me.

Me: Eliza and I are going shopping once the sun sets and then she’ll have to go over and check on her new bartender. If you guys are there, I can get you free drinks! Perks of sleeping with the owner. ;-)

Abby: Ohhhh, I do like the sound of that. I’ll text you tonight.

Me: Sounds good.

Scarlet and I finish our walk and go back to the house. I have several hours until nightfall and am not sure what to do. It’s been so long since I had free time that hasn’t been filled with looking through books or stressing about demons. I could still do that since I brought two of the handwritten journals Lucas has been translating, but I promised Lucas I would step away from the danger for the rest of our time in the city. He’s right to say I need it.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Fantasy