Page 47 of A Handful of Heaven

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"Don't ye?"

"Come on, come on!" Cornstalk's voice rose above the men's chatter. "Let's go, miss."

She pulled away from the priest slowly, unfurling until her

back was ramrod stiff. She pasted a thin-lipped smile on her face and then faced the boys. "All right, fellas, let's go."

Tilting her chin, she took her first step toward the stern-wheeler. Her first step away from Stone Man.

Around her the men chattered like locusts, but she couldn't hear a thing over the pounding in her chest. She was surrounded by a dozen friends, and never in her life had she been more alone.

Every step took her farther away from the man she loved. With each footfall she thought it's not too late. Just turn back around...

But it was too late. Way too late.

"Good-bye, miss." Cornstalk's high-pitched voice sliced through her jumbled thoughts.

She jerked her head up. She'd reached the end of the boardwalk, and Digger and Cornstalk were right beside her. Both were grinning. She offered them a tremulous smile.

"Good-bye, Cornstalk. I'll miss you." She laid a hand on Digger's dirty sleeve. "I'll miss you, too, Digger. You changed my life."

Digger's Adam's apple did a swift bob. "You changed mine, too, miss. Your share of the gold IVe found is already on board. I'll send the rest of your gold to San Francisco. I'll send you a telegram when it gets there."

Before Devon could respond, Midas pushed Digger aside. " 'Bye, Devon," he said in a gruff voice.

"Good-bye, Midas. Thank you for the plaque. I'll treasure it always."

"Yeah," he grumbled, melting back into the crowd. In an instant the whole crowd was talking at once, yelling, shouting, wishing her well on her journey.

Father materialized at her side. Taking her hand, he walked with her across the newly-constructed wooden dock and up the wobbly ramp to the sternwheeler. When they reached the puckered metal decking, he stopped.

"You don't have to do this," he said quietly. "He loves you."

The tears she'd been holding back squeezed past her lashes and slid down her cheeks.

"Once this boat pulls out. . ."

click, click, click



I love you. Good-bye.


what if.




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Tags: Kristin Hannah Romance