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“How was that?” Cole turned to face the group.

“Let’s take her out, and then I’m headed inside. It’s damn cold.” I hopped onto the boat.

“I hear ya, man.” Cole placed Emily inside the boat before jogging to the other side to shove her off. Sierra reached for my hand as I helped her step over the side.

“You ok with this?” I asked her. “You can stay here until we get back.”

She shook her head. “No way. I’m in this with you. The boats. The island. Football. All of it.”

I leaned over to steal a kiss, feeling the softness of her lips.

“Good. I’ll get you home soon,” I promised.

It was playoff time. And we had decided to spend some holiday time at the island before heading back to Orlando. I tried not to let the post-season get under my skin. Sierra said it was meant to be this way. We could focus on each other and the baby.

There was always next season.

I stood at the captain’s chair until Sierra walked up to me. I sat her on my lap and steered over her shoulder. Maybe it was a small island, and maybe she didn’t always love it like I did, but I knew Sierra was happy here. We had found something in each other that couldn’t be abandoned or ignored. If that wasn’t love, I didn’t know what love was.

Thank you for reading Dirty Game! Check out my other books on my Amazon page.

Naughty Notes

Y’all, this book means so much to me. I don’t know if I can tell you how much I love the water and how many epic summer romances I’ve had at the beach. Maybe you catch a hint of that in here. Blake has a softer side than a lot of my alphas, and I think that’s what I love about him. He struggles with being a leader. He struggles with his family’s past. He has a broken heart and is scared to death to fall in love again. Haven’t you met that guy before? The one who is hot as hell, but he’s damaged beyond belief? Yeah, well that’s Blake. And I love him for it! Because eventually we all know that guy—the one who says he can’t commit or can’t love again—he does. He always does.

I hope you loved reading Dirty Game. I loved writing it and bringing these characters to you.

Tempting the Crown


Tempting the Crown

Published By Violet Paige

Copyright © 2017 Violet Paige

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or events are entirely the work of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, or places is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in piracy of copyrighted materials.



The bourbon was watered down. I flicked my wrist, washing it over the melted flecks of ice. I looked around, bored. That was the problem. I bored easily.

A waiter walked by without glancing at my table. That had always been the deal in this fucking place, though. They treated me like every other guy in here. They didn’t cater to one of us over the other. As if we were normal. As if we weren’t rich as sin. As if I didn’t own the entire country.

We existed under a cloak of secrecy. The façade that inside these walls we were on an equal playing field. Maybe there was some truth to that for one night a month. Gala night.

I slung back the last swallow of the

hundred-dollar glass of booze. I pushed back from my chair to straighten my cramped legs, standing just shy of six-five. I moved across the room trying not to attract too much attention. It wasn’t easy to blend in, even if people were committed to ignoring me.

I knocked on the black door behind the bar and waited for someone to let me in. The incessant bass pumping through the speakers drowned out the hammering of my fist. It was loud as fuck in here.

“Damn it.” I gritted my teeth, pounding again. I wasn’t patient.

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