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I should say no. Protect myself. Keep the distance between us. I'm safe if I'm the one that's doing the touching, after all. I'm the one in control. Instead, I reach up and brush my hand over Sessah's chest, giving in to the intense desire to touch him. "I'm nervous."

"I have you," he tells me, taking my hand in his and pressing his mouth to my palm. "I will stop any time you wish for me to. All you need is to say the word."

I gaze up at him, shocked at how raw and intense his mouth feels on my hand. He's so strikingly handsome that sometimes I can't get over it. That the angular face I remember from years ago has filled out, his neck thick and his arms enormous. But the kind eyes are the same, and they watch me right now, waiting. "I'm nervous," I say again, and glance over at the sleeping cat-man.

Sessah shakes his head, his long braid flicking back and forth. "I have you. I will keep you safe. Look only at me. It is Sessah here with you." He presses his mouth to my palm again, and then gets on his knees in front of me, his hands on my leather belt. "It is Sessah who wishes to undress you. May I?"

I nod, a knot in my throat. Hungry need battles with the old panic, but I push it aside and brush my fingers over his expressive face. Sessah is so handsome. His eyes are wide-spaced over a big, straight nose, and I trail my finger down it to his firm mouth. Touching him eases some of the ache inside me, but I know the moment I pull away, it's going to return in force.

He's careful as he undoes my belt and sets it aside, then pulls the laces of my boots apart and removes them. After that, my leggings are tugged down my thighs and I stand awkwardly in front of him in nothing but my upper layers and my ass hanging out in the breeze.

"Sit," Sessah commands, all authority.

I do as I'm told, and he pulls my outer layers off of my top, undressing me until I'm nothing but bare skin and the wrapping I use around my breasts to keep them from jiggling. Oddly enough, I don't feel naked as I relax back on the furs. We've been swimming together for the last several days and he's already seen every inch of me naked. More nudity is no big deal.

At least, it shouldn't be. Except Sessah is looking at me as if he wants to devour me whole, and it's making my toes curl with need. He reaches one finger out and hooks it into the wrapping at my breasts, and then the entire thing just comes apart in his hands.

I know just how it feels.

"Relax," he murmurs, making eye contact with me. "I will not do anything to harm you. I only want to make you feel good. This is not a claim. This is just your friend, Sessah, helping you edge."

I nod, not trusting my voice. Somehow, I know we're way past being just friends but I don't point that out.

I lie back in the furs, but he doesn't move to lie next to me. I'm so focused on waiting for his big body to move next to mine that it takes me a moment to realize that he's gently parting my thighs and staring at what's between them with a hungry expression. "Sessah—"

"Let me do this," he murmurs, leaning forward and hiking my legs around his shoulders. "Let me taste you, Sam."

This isn't the same as when I touched him—that didn't involve tongues. But he looks so damn reverent, his face inches away from my pussy, that I can't complain. Who in their right mind would? I glance over at the cat-man across the cave, but he sleeps on, unconscious. What can this hurt, I ask myself. I've been with guys and given blow jobs but I've never had the chance to receive before Brad fucked up my entire life, and I've always wanted to know what it feels like.

So I press my fingers to the top of his head and guide him down between my thighs.

Sessah groans as if he's dying, and then his mouth is on me. He licks me as if he's ravenous, his tongue dragging over my folds as if he just wants to lick every inch of me, regardless of where. There's no savoring with him—only pure hunger. His mouth is everywhere, nipping and licking and tasting, exploring my body with hungry lick after hungry lick.

I squirm against him, panting. It feels very…intimate, but I'm not exactly sure if I'm enjoying it just yet. It feels different than fingers, but I'm not erupting into paroxysms of pleasure just yet. "Sessah." I stroke a few strands of hair back from his face, wondering if it's too bossy to point out that he's missing my clit entirely? That kisses and licks are good, but I'm going to need more than that to get off, even in my over-sensitized condition? "Can you…"

Tags: Ruby Dixon Paranormal