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“We’re working here. Passion and romance aren’t a part of this.” He let out a frustrated growl. “It can’t be, Kellie. You work for me.”

His reminder that he was my boss didn’t surprise me. His saying that passion and romance couldn’t be a part of this trip did surprise. It was an admission that what happened last night wasn’t some fluke or champagne-fueled accident. He’d felt the attraction too.

“Yes, of course, I’m sorry.”

He put his head back and closed his eyes for a moment.

I turned to look out the window wanting to give him a moment.

“I’ve hurt you,” he said.

“No.” Maybe he had a little bit. But I understood his position and I respected it.

He let out a frustrated breath. “If I wasn’t your boss, I’d have taken last night’s kiss to its next logical step.”

My girly parts lit up and my ego felt pretty good too. “And if I wasn’t your assistant, I’d have let you.” Hell, I’d have done it anyway, but I wanted him to know that the feeling had been mutual.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “If I come out of this without being sued, I’ll be shocked.”

I laughed. “I’m not going to sue you, Ryan. I know the score. And I know you’re a good man who’s bending over backward to make sure I’m comfortable and feel safe.”

The plan shifted as it started its descent into Rome.

“On the way here, we agreed to be friends. Let’s focus on that during this next week. We can see the sights, check out the shops that might end up selling your shoes, and eat delicious food.”

He nodded. “Yes. Once again, my trusty assistant is right.”

“I’m your friend now.”

“Friend, right.”

Now all I had to do was keep reminding myself that he was my friend. I had to ignore the broad shoulders, the caring demeanor, the sexy smile. I had to ignore every womanly instinct that had me attracted to this man because he could only be my friend and my boss.



Christian sure knew how to live, I thought as we entered the penthouse apartment in Rome. The window looked over the colosseum and Roman ruins. A roof top terrace had an improved view plus had an infinity pool that Kellie immediately wanted to get into. The excitement and wonder in her eyes as she took in the city and amenities was intoxicating. There was so much my money could buy that I took for granted. Seeing the world through her eyes made me realize not only how fortunate I was, but also, how much I was missing and not appreciating what I had.

“I want to swim while the sun is still out,” she said, her eyes bright and smile wide as she looked at the pool and then beyond to the view of the city. Then her smile faltered. “Oh wait, I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

I nearly suggest skinny dipping. No one would see but me, and perhaps some staff, but the terrace was private. Of course, seeing her naked was a no-no even if my dick jumped at the idea.

Instead, I used my brain. I might not enjoy my money as much as Christian did, but I still knew what it could buy.

“Why don’t you go inside and settle in. I’ll arrange for necessary items and get us some wine,” I suggested.

She looked at me for a moment like she didn’t quite understand. Then she shrugged. “Okay.”

The penthouse had a couple of rooms, and I let her have the one with the best view of the city. While she settled in, I called Christian to find out the best place to arrange for swim apparel to be sent over. He gave me the name of a personal shopper who spoke English. I called the shopper, who fortunately, was available to take care of our needs. Along with a bikini for Kellie, I asked for additional underclothing for both of us, since we’d only packed for a couple of days and now we're spending a week, and a few new items of clothes. With the order in, I got a bottle of wine, poured a couple of glasses and went to find Kellie.

She was standing by her window overlooking the city.

“I’ve got wine,” I said.

She turned to me with a wistful smile on her face as she took the glass I offered.

“A swimsuit should be here shortly along with a few other items we may need since our stay has been extended,” I finished.

Tags: Ajme Williams Strong Brothers Romance